How To Anal Douche: A Sex Educator Explains Tools & Safety

Featured imageWhen it comes to anal sex, keeping your ass clean is one of the most important things to do. It makes the overall experience more pleasant and also allows for easier entry, and prevents unnecessary anal irritation. In certain cases, this can lead to serious medical issues, including infections that may require hospitalization.

Got questions? Then this guide on how to anal douche will be helpful!

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M.ChristianWhen talking about sex, there are no more informed and experienced people than us at My Sex Toy Guide. Name it, and we either have learned everything, done it many times, or know even more experienced people we can talk to.

M.Christian is one of those sex-ed persons assisting us with our guide on anal hygiene. They are more than somewhat familiar with everything butt sex, especially how to use an anal douche. That, first and foremost, means a thorough cleaning of your ass.


What Is Anal Douching?

The basic concept is that anal douching uses water to loosen stools, usually as a precursor to anal sex play. [1] Though some like to use it for hygiene reasons.

There are several methods to use an anal douche. Mostly they employ an enema, and the nozzle has a long tube attached to squeezable bulb douches, water bag douches, or a shower shot douche.

The human gastrointestinal tract was built for expelling waste, not taking things in, so it’s crucial not to push you or your partner’s body too much to avoid serious damage.

Similarly, we recommend using tap water with no extra-added ingredients to douche safely. Otherwise, it may result in harm to the person receiving it.

A man douching with enema

Why? Because the rectum evolved to absorb moisture quickly and efficiently. Any fluid introduced into the anal canal will go directly into the body.

Adding anything to a douche, even innocuous stuff like salt will hit your system extremely hard.

Our reasoning is our bodies shift and change over time. So please use just water when you douche even if you suffered no ill effects after adding something to a douche.

Using an anal douche properly is always better to play safe than risk being sorry about what you did.


Is Anal Douching Necessary?

Some say douching is necessary for anal cleanliness. However, some disagree with this. Among their points is a carefully regulated, pre-anal region diet that reduces waste.

If done extra well, it can leave the anus remarkably clean—more than enough for safe and pleasurable anal penetration play. Also, fisting will be easier for everyone involved (more on anal fisting here).

We learned through our experiences with anal play that at least a brief enema can do wonders, especially before deeper anal play.

Even after a rigorous, soluble fiber and fluids diet beforehand, some waste will remain.

A woman doing anal douching

It serves another purpose: it’s excellent for minimizing what I guess you could call anal sex’s ick factor. Naturally, we are referring to reducing the poop you have to deal with.

Besides, merely a few tiny remnants of undigested food can be uncomfortable. And if it is made of particularly abrasive materials, it will likely irritate the anus. Worse yet, it might irritate its delicate tissues leading to an infection. You can read more about what to eat before anal sex here.

So like not adding anything to your enema, we suggest a douche before anal sex play. Depending on your body and what you ate beforehand, it may not help.

But it certainly won’t hurt. As we said above, when talking anal sex, playing safe is always better than being sorry.


Is Anal Douching Safe?

Yes, if done correctly, douching is perfectly safe. However, there are several ways in which it can do more harm than good.

We have already discussed the importance of using only water, but forcing too much of it into the rectum is also important.

Fortunately, the human body cannot be closed completely, not least of which is the anal sphincter.

If you use too high a water pressure, much of it will leak. Even so, reaching that point is inadvisable.

Instead, slowly and carefully insert the enema nozzle. Next, gently squeeze its bulb or release a little water from your tap.

Repeat after us, “anal sex is not for the impatient.” So even if you’re really excited about it, resist the urge to use too much too fast.

As water enters your anus, you will feel like you need to have a bowel movement. It’s time to remove the nozzle and release the water.

Once you have expelled it, repeat the process until water and nothing but water is coming out of you. A few drips and drabs of fecal matter are okay. But keep going if you see more of it and less clear water.

Cramps, a burning sensation, or blood are severe warning signs. Stop if you feel anything except the occasional need to poop. Go to your local emergency room immediately if you are in pain.

Similarly, if other physical issues show no signs of abating or you are in any sort of distress.

Feeling a bit bashful about it? Maybe, but a brief visit to the ER beats having something minor turn into a major medical problem.

If it makes you feel any better, emergency room personnel have seen everything. They will not bat an eye if your douching results in a visit.


What Tools Do I Need For Anal Douching?

You will need various tools for douching, but everything must be designed and manufactured for anal use.

We do not say this lightly, as trying to cut corners or use whatever you have on hand could result in an extremely unpleasant time.

Avoid accidentally getting the wrong douching tool. To do this, restrict your purchases to sites or companies dedicated to anal sex. They can often be a bit more expensive.

Though nothing beats knowing a tool was designed, built, and tested for anal play. Stores also offer a range of smaller or larger nozzle options for you to try.

Furthermore, do not hesitate to do some much-needed anal research. Are you not sure if this nozzle is comfortable or effective? Want to know how to do a deeper clean? Your answers may be only a few mouse clicks away.

Remember there is as much misinformation as valuable know-how on the web.

So do not blindly trust if someone somewhere on the Internet claims they are the authority on douching.

On the contrary, restrict yourself to actual experts like Dr. Evan Goldstein.

Or, not to toot our own anal horn, like us here at My Sex Toy Guide.

1. Douching Equipment

The most important tool in your douching kit is an enema.

They come in two different styles. The first is one where the water is stored in a container. Another is a flexible, IV-type bag. A bulb douche is one example.

They are typically an all-in-one device, so their nozzle is often permanently hooked to their bag or douche bulb.

Shower douches are the other way to get mildly warm water into your rectum.

These connect directly to an existing shower for an unlimited and constant flow.

There are also brands of shower douches that slip over a bathtub spout. Though occasionally, this kind of shower attachment can be challenging to attach.

Enema bag

In a similar vein, some enemas are permanently attached to their hoses. These can be tougher to clean than those that are detachable.

Of these douching tools, we suggest a shower douche.

When you can, of course. Some people’s bathrooms may not make it possible to attach them, leaving them with only a toilet for their anal cleaning.

Shower enemas are worth the time or effort spent attaching them. They provide a regular, uninterrupted source of warm water, and you can easily adjust the temperature and flow speed.

Not that bulb, fleet enemas, or bag enemas are inferior. In fact, they can be ideal when vacationing, visiting a partner, or attending an event, such as places with only one toilet. Another benefit is that you can dump them in the trash when finished.

So there’s little or no cleanup time, unlike with a shower enema which requires you to thoroughly flush it out when you are done.

An extremely diluted bleach solution or a dash of mild soap is good.

But be sure to let a lot of water run through it to remove any trace of whatever you used to clean it.

2. Formula

Not to repeat ourselves, as the anus is so good at absorbing fluids, only use water for anally douching.

Not to contract ourselves, but as you gain more experience with the process, you may want to try a minuscule saline solution.

Even then, always err on the side of caution, beginning with using only an extremely low amount and then cutting it in half.

Great if it works. However, if there are any unpleasant side effects, an initially low dose will reduce their severity.

3. Lube

So how do you make yourself and your butt feel good?

Well, a dry anus is not a happy anus and an unhappy anus is a surefire way to develop hemorrhoids or worse.

The answer is lube, lube, and more lube. Not just any variety, but ones specifically formulated for anal sex. Some are even fair-trade produced.

A man holding a lube bottle

These are usually silicone or oil-based because water-based ones will be too quickly and thoroughly absorbed by your ass.

Like getting the best equipment for your douching, buy your lube from a site or company with an anal sex focus.

And get far more than you think you could ever use. One, it won’t go bad, at least not for a long time. Two, having more than running out when you need it the most is better. Third, you will likely use a lot of it.

4. Gloves

While perhaps not essential for douching, gloves can help tremendously.

As with your enema and lube, do not pick up any old pair. Instead, buy ones that will not break down when exposed to oil or silicone-based lubes.

Non-latex is often preferred because their non-reactivity, re-lube, and latex allergies are nothing to sneeze at.


How To Anal Douche?

First and foremost, limit yourself to fluids for several hours beforehand to be extra careful.

The day before, go on a high-fiber diet and drink plenty of water.

That’s soluble fiber like seedless fruits like bananas, oranges, or apples. Leafy greens are also excellent, as is oatmeal or plain yogurt.

Determining how your diet affects your stool takes time. A great way is to keep a journal of what you ate and what came out.

Note: Anal douching is an advanced sex act, and you need to take great care when doing it. Any action you take upon the information on this website is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages. Learn more.

1. Get used to the nozzle

Those new to anal douching need to familiarize themselves with how an enema nozzle feels. To get used to it, try regularly using a gloved finger. Slowly and gingerly, that is. As you do, slow or stop if there is pain or discomfort. Sometimes small than extra-large dildos can aid in familiarizing your ass to penetration.

A woman doing a butt douche

Then, as you get used to the sensation, try an enema nozzle. It doesn’t even have to be hooked up to a water source, just as a way to get used to having one in you.

During your initial outing, be sure to apply copious amounts of lube. Again, an unlubed ass is a surefire way to have an unpleasant experience.

2. Take it slowly

Now that you are familiar with the nozzle, it’s time to let the water flow at a consistent rate and at the right temperature, as having it too hot or cold can raise your health risks.

Do not use too high a pressure or apply too much force when you start douching.

A moderate to low amount is all that is needed. Slightly more pressure if you feel it is necessary.

Also, go for a shallower cleanse to start. You can go a bit deeper as you get more relaxed with the nozzle.

As the warm water begins to fill your rectum, don’t fight the need to release it. Doing so may strain your bowels.

A man relaxing

When you feel you need to move your bowels, remove the nozzle. With all the water will come a mixture of fecal matter and water.

As we noted, repeat the process until water exclusively comes out.

For some people, and considering their diet, this can take several flushes.

For others, a few will do the job. If it takes longer than a half-hour, take a break.

Also, pay attention to the water temperature and the pressure from your nozzle. Ideally, it should be warm, not hot, and likewise, not cold. Think body temperature, and you will be fine.


Anal Douche Aftercare

After you have douched and enjoyed the pleasures of anal sex play, now is the time to clean up.

To make the process easier, assemble your very own cleaning kit. This way, you can get right to it instead of running around afterward.

We already mentioned a very weak bleach solution, but other, more effective enema cleansing products exist.

We actually prefer those. So if you are able, supply yourself with a good quantity. When it comes time to use it, please do not skimp on the amount or your thoroughness.

Although anal sex can be fun, poop is not something you want to leave hanging around. So scrub and scrub some more until it is completely gone.

Cleaning Sex Toys In The Sink

It’s worth mentioning that you should not use toilet cleaning products because you and your toilet are very different. You are a fragile biological creature, and your toilet is not.

Anal aftercare may also include taking care of yourself or your partner. Finding out what you need comes with time, but be open and upfront about it.

A warm bath is a common way to unwind from anal play. So, too, is crawling into a nice warm bed with a hot water bottle.

Meanwhile, others may want a big, hearty meal, especially after a day-long anal sex-restrictive diet.


How Often Can I Anal Douche?

You can anal douche many times in a relatively short amount of time.

How much and how frequently depends on you—or should we say your body, as it’s an excellent judge of whether or not you have been overdoing it.

The common rule of thumb is to anally douche no more than two or three times a week.

Even if you can handle more, do not exceed this amount unless you have been douching for a considerable amount of time. And with experience, understanding what your body likes or doesn’t.


Can I Anal Douche Too Much?

Yes, you can anal douche too much. Using water that is too hot or forcing too much of it into yourself can damage your butt’s notably fragile tissues.

Your gastrointestinal tract is also a delicately balanced ecosystem. Its combination of beneficial flora and good bacteria essentially keeps you healthy.

But they can easily be thrown out of whack, leading to unpleasant bouts of constipation, diarrhea, or painful stomach cramps. Not only that, but over-douching can expose you to far more serious infections from bad bacteria.

In some cases, people can develop anal cleanse dependency where they need an overwhelming need to keep doing it to stay healthy. However, it can have the opposite effect and should be addressed as soon as possible.

If you or your partner have a problem, consult a doctor or therapist for help.

Above all else, treat your anus with patience and respect. Though it is a literally shitty part of your body, it plays a much-needed role in keeping you healthy.


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