How To Become A Sex Toy Tester | And Get Free Sex Toys!

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A sex toy tester unboxing a productJust like tech giants and beauty brands, the sex toy industry wants product testers to provide valuable insights on their newest release. It’s a unique opportunity that’s as exciting as it sounds. How enjoyable is the toy? Does it deliver on safety and ease of use? Would you rave about it to friends? Imagine being the first to experience the latest adult innovations—before they even hit the shelves!

So, how do you become a sex toy tester? Read on to find out!

Announcement: We are currently looking for sex toy testers. If you’re interested, apply here.

Why Become A Sex Toy Tester?

There are many perks of being a sex toy tester. For starters, companies send you free product samples like vibrators and dildos. Yes, that’s true! Most are new releases, too. You save money and will be one of the first to use it.

Eventually, you can earn money by starting a blog (affiliate marketing) or having an online store where you sell sex toys and other adult products. Besides the toys, here are some other benefits:

  • It’s a safe way to make money online.
  • You learn about human anatomy.
  • You build many great relationships.
  • And you have incredible orgasms while doing it!


How To Get Started As A Sex Toy Tester?

It doesn’t take a genius to start the sex toy tester job; after all, using these products comes naturally. However, you must consistently produce helpful content to engage your readers and build an audience. Here is some good advice you can follow:

1. Educate Yourself About Sex Toys

You should educate yourself about the sex toy you’re about to review. Each product has different features and uses, and knowing everything about it helps produce the best content. You should also learn about the different materials, such as silicone, ABS plastic, and stainless steel, especially those that are body-safe and have potential allergies or sensitivities. It also helps to know how to clean and store them.

A woman studying

There are many sex toy brands. Learn when and where they started, what products they manufacture, price ranges, and more. I recommend reading customer reviews to learn which ones are trustworthy and which to avoid.

It also helps to educate yourself about the purpose of each product. Is it designed for penises or vulvas? Is it designed to stimulate the clitoris or the G-spot? Can you use it solo play or other for other activities like bondage?

Most importantly, you must educate yourself about legal considerations, taxes implications, and age restrictions related to sex toy testing. Some countries have strict laws so ensure you are compliant.

2. Learn Human Anatomy

Sex toy testers should know about human anatomy. You probably have some basic knowledge from school, but acquiring more advanced knowledge is helpful in this career. YouTube is a goldmine for this. Sex educators like Emily Morse are a treasure trove of information. We also have several helpful guides on this website, for example, this one about the A-spot.

3. Choose The Right Medium

Now, it’s time to share your experiences with the rest of the world. You can start a sex toy blog, use social media (TikTok, Instagram, or Reddit are the best), or create a YouTube channel where you post videos and tutorials about the products you tested. Whatever medium you use, follow all the guidelines and provide unbiased information.


How To Write Good Sex Toy Reviews?

Success relies on writing good reviews. Full stop. It’s actually not that difficult since you are writing from personal experience and about a passionate topic. That said, here are some basic tips that can take your writing to the next level:

1. Learn Basic Copywriting (Or Video Editing if YouTube/TikTok)

It helps to learn basic copywriting. Copywriting is easy; many experts share their knowledge and skills through tutorials, online classes, and how-to articles. You should also know basic video editing, especially when making YouTube videos.

I don’t recommend AI tools such as ChatGPT for review articles. The products are typically brand new, so ChatGPT will not know about them, and the information will be incorrect. In addition, AI tools just rehash existing information so you won’t offer anything unique. People want to see something unique and personal.

2. Spend A Lot Of Time Using The Toy

You can’t write what you don’t know. Once you’ve received the sex toy, use it several times. Then use it again. Savor every moment and note how they felt the first time you used them. The sex toy testing will be different once you use it the next time around.

A sex toy tester unboxing a product

3. Give A Lot Of Details

People aren’t only interested reading about experiences and want to know about the item as a whole. When you review sex toys, you must provide as many details as possible.

For instance, talk about the packaging. Is it discreet? Does it come with a nice box? How about the features and design? You can discuss its dimensions, including size, length, color, and shape. It’s also an excellent opportunity to test their customer service.

3. Be Objective And Inclusive

Readers will quickly know if you’re unfair, biased, or dishonest. Be objective and honest by providing useful information to help your readers make informed purchase decisions. Just because you love a brand doesn’t mean you only write positive reviews about its products. It’s OK to include disadvantages, but please include suggestions on how to improve.

You should also understand and respect the diversity of sexual preferences and ensure consent when sharing experiences or using toys with sexual partners. You can also address inclusivity by considering how different toys might suit various body types and relationships.

4. Give Your Unique Conclusions

Readers will read your entire review, not just the introduction and body. Hence, make sure to include a catchy ending with your unique conclusions. It’s also a good idea to include a takeaway box or summary in the beginning for people who don’t have time to read the whole article.

Pro Tips: You can also establish a feedback loop with the companies. This can include reporting on the experience, safety concerns, and suggestions for improvements, fostering a relationship that benefits parties.

4. High-Quality Photos And Videos

People will never be interested in your reviews if you include low-quality pictures and videos similar to our Lovense Lapis photo below. You must immediately catch their attention by using the best photo or video above the fold as cover art (hero image).

Lapis after my waterproof testing

5. Be Compliant With The Rules

Spend some time understanding the rules if you receive a review sample. Is there a deadline for the review? Do you need to include a non-affiliate link? Should you send a draft for review first?

Furthermore, always disclose that you received the free toy in return for an honest review. If you have affiliate links on the page, you must include an affiliate disclosure.

6. Community Engagement

Engaging with other sex toy users and reviewers is also a good idea. This could involve joining forums, attending industry events (virtually or in person), and networking with other testers and bloggers. Engaging with a community can offer support, advice, and opportunities for collaboration.


How To Get Free Sex Toys?

Now for the most exciting part: how to get free sex toys. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s legit. You can get freebies as long as you know how to do it. Read on to find out.

1. Directly Approach The Companies

There are dozens of sex toy companies scattered all over the globe. Write them down and check their websites for anything about “sex toy testers wanted.” Contact them directly via email or phone if their products appeal to you.

Always be professional and ready to provide any required information, such as traffic stats, links to your blog or channel, etc.

A sex toy tester unboxing a product

2. Share Your Reviews With The Company

Another method is sharing your reviews with the brands. If you particularly love a sex toy, write a review and forward it to the manufacturer. They may send you free toys to use and review.

Pro Tip: Tagging them on social media accounts is an excellent strategy.

3. Build Relationship Through Their Affiliate Programs

Another strategy is to monetize your blog or channel through their affiliate programs. You write articles on your platform and mention their products with links on where to buy them. In return, you get a commission and maybe a free sex toy.


7 Sex Toy Companies That May Send You Free Sex Toys

Acquiring free sex toys is challenging but not impossible. The key is being a sex toy reviewer; otherwise, there’s zero chance. It also helps to know where to focus your energy because some brands will never send a test sample. Here are some companies we had good experiences with:

1. Lovehoney

Originating from the British Isles, Lovehoney is a top-notcher when it comes to designing and selling sex toys, lingerie, and other erotic products online. Their products have always been sensational—truly above the rest.

They strive to offer their consumers the sensation and gratification they need, so they need people to genuinely review their products, especially before they hit the market.

2. Lelo

This one sends all the love from Sweden. All their products are manufactured from body-safe silicone and sanitized before shipping. Lelo designs and manufactures some of the best sex toys, lingerie, BDSM accessories, massage products, and a whole lot more.

Lelo wants everyone to be satisfied and have access to their dream sex toys, so they have offers and deals from time to time. Some of their products are at significant discounts, and sometimes, they offer free shipping on all of their products.

3. Bondara

Featured by several world-renowned erotic magazines, Bondara is a multi-awarded company based in the UK. It’s known for manufacturing and designing sex toys, lingerie, fetish accessories, and tons of other erotic and bondage goodies.

Their delivery is discreet and comes with free postage over a specified amount. They may even send you a free sample of their product, especially if it’s new. After all, honest feedback is necessary to make quality products.

4. Kiiroo

Another award-winning sex toy company that meshes sexual recreation with modern technology is Kiiroo. This Dutch-based sex-tech company manufactures sex toys with haptic technology, allowing everyone to feel themselves and their lovers/partners with interactive digital video.

Besides Kiiroo’s interactive sex toys, they have a patented application, FeelConnect, that users can use to connect their products. The app is being used worldwide with their popular male sex toys Titan, Onyx+, and Keon.

They may also send free devices to loyal members and avid sex toy reviewers of their products, or if they choose you to review a product for them.

Pro Tip: Kiiroo is especially good for male sex toy testers due to their many penis masturbators

5. Wow Tech Group

Wow Tech is one of the leading groups in designing, manufacturing, and marketing products for sexual intimacy, with some of its top brands, Womanizer and We-Vibe. Wow Tech aims to provide sexual satisfaction side by side with their sexual well-being as they deliver only state-of-the-art and innovative products.

They also make sure that their products are safe to use. Also, they need sex toy testers to gather raw feedback to improve their products. You only need to register; fortunately, the registration process isn’t that tedious and free of charge. What better way to have free sex toys and help the company?

6. Dame

Dame Products is the favorite of many feminists. From the pink and feminine aesthetics, Dame is a company led by women that strives to provide sexual well-being, innovative products, open-mindedness, and education in the bedroom. It’s also represented by a diverse team, especially regarding background.

They are also in need of testers and reviewers. After all, they want to create and engineer products that will give their consumers something more than just intimacy.

7. Lovense

Lovense is a Singapore-based sex toy company specializing in engineering smart sex toys using Bluetooth. They have their own app, called Lovense Remote, that’s compatible with their teledildonic sex toys so lovers can spice it up regardless of the distance.

Their products have many features, from customizable vibrations to syncing the beats to music. There’s just so much that Lovense offer. They have been awarded best technology innovation in porn and featured in many magazines such as Rolling Stones, Men’s Health, Nerve, and Bustle.

With the innovation, they seek testers and reviewers to leave their newly designed products some honest feedback before releasing them in the market.


Some of My Tips After Reviewing Sex Toys Since 2016

Being successful at reviewing sex toys doesn’t happen overnight; you must invest time, money, and effort to write awesome reviews so sex toy companies and users will notice you. To help you get started, here are some tips that worked well for me:

1. It Takes Time to Write Good Reviews

You probably don’t want to hear this, but it will take time—sometimes, a lot of time—so don’t expect your first review to influence millions of people overnight. Writing good reviews is time-consuming. But you learn a lot as you write, especially from your mistakes. What’s important is to keep writing every day.

2. Some Toys Are Not Very Pleasurable

You can’t write what you don’t know, so you must use all the products. Sadly, not everything is pleasurable. It’s similar to being a beta tester for an early prototype; some may be outright uncomfortable, especially if it’s something you never used before.

For example, when I started as an adult toy tester, I didn’t enjoy anal sex so I stayed away from all anal toys. However, over the years, anal became a favorite bedroom activity, and nowadays, I test tons of butt toys!

3. You Can’t Always Get A Free Sex Toy

Almost nothing comes for free, even sex toys. Some companies don’t give away free products and many require a blog with thousands of visitors per month, making it difficult for newbies. Many just never do it at all.

4. You May Start To Look At Sex As Just A Business

Testing sex toys can alter how you look at sex and sex toys. You may feel like you’re not doing it for pleasure but just for the sake of business or to have something to write about on your blog.

5. Your Sex Life Will Become Public

Your sex life becomes an open book to everybody. You share personal experiences, orgasms, erotic stories, and sex toys you used that day. Some are okay with this lifestyle while others value their privacy. Think about the consequences before jumping on the sex toy test train.

I recommend using a pseudonym if you don’t want to use your real name, and be careful about sharing personal details in your reviews. You should also review the privacy settings on the social media platforms to protect your digital footprint. If your content includes images and videos, remove all identifiable features to ensure anonymity.


Sandra Larson
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