Is The Rose Vibrator Bad For Your Health? A Sexologist Clarifies!

Featured imageThe Rose sex toy, a sensation on TikTok, has stirred up quite a storm of sexual health discussions. To help clarify all the rumors, our clinical sexologist Rachel Sommer, Ph.D., tackles all the concerns from its alleged link to cancer, the potential for yeast infections, and even the myth about affecting egg count. Let’s see what she has to say:

Key Takeaways

Generally speaking, using the Rose toy vibrator is safe as long as you follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions and keep it in tip-top shape. Sure, some older models might have unsafe materials like phthalates. But don’t stress too much on that because the playing field of Rose toys has evolved! Many manufacturers have turned over a new leaf, offering phthalate-free Silicone, a much healthier option without skimping on satisfaction.

Health Concerns Associated with the Rose Sex Toy

Can you get cancer from using it?

While the Rose toy vibrator isn’t bad for your health, it’s wise to keep an eye on the lineup of materials in the sex toy industry. Other materials, notably phthalates, have a bit of a bad rep. They’re like the sneaky players in the game, often used to soften things up but flagged by the FDA as the kind that poses a health risk.

Now, phthalates in sex toys are kind of like an outdated rule in sports – some countries have called foul and shown them the red card, but in places like the U.S., they’re still in the game. The good news? Not all team members are playing riskily. There’s a roster of phthalate-free stars out there, like the Lovehoney Rose vibrator that we tested earlier this year.

The packaging

When scouting for your next MVP (Most Valuable Pleasure-device), aim for the all-stars made from body-safe materials like medical-grade silicone, glass, or stainless steel. It’s like choosing a clean, well-drilled team over a ragtag bunch – your health deserves the best league.

Is the Rose toy phthalates-free?

Navigating the world of Rose sex toys can be a bit like walking through a minefield, especially with the worry of phthalates, those pesky plastic softeners. But here’s the good news: most Rose toys are made from medical-grade silicone, giving phthalates the cold shoulder. It’s like finding a rose among thorns for those with sensitive skin. Silicone is the superhero in the land of body-safe materials, swooping in to save the day. So, when you’re in the market for some bedroom fun, think of silicone as your trusty sidekick, and avoid toys crafted from TPE or rubber jelly. They’re the kryptonite to your sensitive skin’s superpowers.

Related: Do Sex Toys Cause Diabetes? A Clinical Sexologist Weighs In!

Can Rose toys cause yeast infections?

Bringing a clitoral stimulator into your private garden might stir up the pH soil a bit, potentially giving vaginal infections like yeast a chance to bloom like uninvited weeds. But let’s be clear: using a vibrator doesn’t mean it is planting yeast infections by default.

Just like in a real garden, what you introduce and how you care for it matters. If your toy is made of porous materials, think of it as a sponge for bacteria – not exactly the kind of flower you want growing down there. Using a vibrator with these materials is like the neighbors who never clean up after their pets; they just invite trouble.

closeup of the rose petals

Keeping your Rose toy clean is like gardening gloves for your health. A thorough scrub with mild soap and water, or a dedicated sex toy cleaner, before and after each rendezvous is key. And hey, why not dress up your toy with a condom? It’s like adding an extra layer of defense against those pesky germ invaders. So, garden responsibly, and your personal Eden will thank you!

Does a Rose toy cause a lower egg count?

When addressing the rumors about Rose Toys and their alleged impact on egg count, it’s important to clarify that these claims are unfounded. Scientific evidence does not support the idea that sex toys, such as Rose toys, have any effect on a woman’s egg count. The number of eggs in the female reproductive system is determined by factors like age, genetics, and overall health, not by the use of sex toys. It’s essential to understand that these devices are designed for pleasure and have no role in influencing fertility. If you have concerns about your fertility or reproductive health, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional for accurate information and guidance. Rest assured, your Rose toy is not affecting your egg count; it’s simply a tool for enjoyment.

Is using a Rose vibrator safe during pregnancy?

According to the wise folks at Healthline, for most pregnancies cruising in the low-risk lane, enjoying a little self-love with your Rose toy is as safe as knitting baby booties. Your baby is cozied up in a fortress of amniotic fluid and uterine muscles, safe from the outside world’s buzz.

But remember, every pregnancy is its own unique journey. In some cases, like a high-risk pregnancy express lane or a history of preterm pit stops, before using sex toys it’s wise to consult your pit crew (aka healthcare provider) before you buckle up with your vibrator.

Closeup of the two control buttons

Hygiene is your co-pilot here. BabyCenter reminds us that sex toys can be like public restrooms for bacteria and viruses if not cleaned properly, especially during sexual contact with an infected person’s blood (also known as blood-borne infections). So, keep your toy as spotless as a five-star hotel room to steer clear of any unwanted hitchhikers. As for the road of sexual intimacy, navigating it with an infected person is like driving without a map – better to have clear directions to avoid any bumps.


Unsafe Materials You Must Avoid!

When considering rose vibrators or any other sex toy, it’s important to be discerning about what you bring into your intimate space. Think of these devices as guests at your body’s exclusive party. Just as you wouldn’t let in a disruptive guest, it’s crucial to avoid sex toys made from materials that could be harmful to your health. Sharp edges on toys, for example, can cause itchiness and irritation hence should be avoided.

In the second aspect, be cautious of the materials used in sex toys. Steer clear of toxic materials like jelly rubber and PVC, as they often contain phthalates. Phthalates are known for their hormone-disrupting properties and are definitely not welcome at your party. Materials like TPE and TPR are a bit of a wildcard, often containing a mix of unknown chemicals. It’s best to choose sex toys made from body-safe, non-toxic materials to ensure your health and safety are not compromised. By being selective, you can enjoy your experiences with peace of mind, maintaining the perfect balance between pleasure and safety.

Woman thinking.

So, as connoisseurs of safe sexual pleasure, our mantra is simple: choose non-toxic, body-safe sex toys. We have a comprehensive guide about it which you can check to deepen your knowledge of how to pick the right materials.


Proper Care And Cleaning Is Essential!

Giving it TLC is an essential step in ensuring its longevity and of course, your safety. Think of it as pampering a prized possession – you wouldn’t let your favorite gadget gather dust or grime, right? Here’s how to clean them properly:

  1. Power Down and Prep: Like unplugging before a clean sweep, remove any batteries from the toy. This is like turning off your phone before you give it a good wipe – safety first!
  2. Lather Gently: Use warm water mixed with a fragrance-free soap or a specialized toy cleaner. This step is like giving a luxury car a gentle hand wash – thorough yet delicate.
  3. Rinse Thoroughly: Wash off all the soap with lukewarm water. It’s like ensuring your car is spotless and streak-free after a wash.
  4. Dry with Care: Pat your Rose toy dry with a lint-free towel or let it air dry, like letting your car bask in the sun after a good clean.

Cleaning Sex Toys In The Sink

If want to take cleaning up a notch, we have a comprehensive guide on how to clean your Rose toy vibrator right here.


Precautions When Using Sex Toys Regularly

Navigating the world of Rose toys is like being a connoisseur of fine wines – you’ve got to know the good from the not-so-good. Here are some of the safety precautions to keeping things classy and safe when using any type of sex toy:

  1. Opt for the A-listers: Choose high-quality sex toys made of body-safe materials like medical-grade silicone or TPE. Think of it as going for the luxury brand over the dollar store knock-off. This medical-grade silicone is the unsung hero of the sex toy industry.
  2. No Sharing the Spotlight: Your Rose toy is a solo performer, not a group act. If you’re bringing it into a duo, dress it up with a condom or give it a good sterilizing. Sharing isn’t always caring in the toy world. And this goes for other sex toys as well.
  3. Lube is Your Best Friend: A Rose toy and lube go together like peanut butter and jelly. In other words, they work better when lubed up properly and generously. Mixing silicone-based lubricants with silicone-based toys? Not a match made in pleasure paradise! It can harm the material, so keep these two apart for a longer-lasting love affair. Remember, oil and water don’t mix, and neither do silicone rose toys and silicone lube.
  4. Start Like a Slow Dance: Ease into the experience with lower settings to attain optimum sexual satisfaction, then gradually turn up the heat for that intense stimulation. It’s like learning to salsa – you don’t start with high kicks and spins.
  5. Listen to Your Body’s Tune: If something feels off, like pain or discomfort, hit the pause button. Your body’s feedback is more important than pushing through.
  6. Safe Storage is Key: Store your toys like a treasured secret, in a clean, dry spot away from prying eyes, dust, and extreme temperatures. It’s like keeping your jewels in a velvet-lined box.

Solo Missionary Masturbation Position

After each use, charge it properly to maintain its performance. Proper charging extends its lifespan, keeping it ready for your next adventure.


I am Sold! Where Can I Buy One?

Embarking on the quest for the perfect Rose sex toy is a bit like going on a treasure hunt – you’ve got to have the right map and a keen eye! Here’s your compass:

Buying: You’ve got two paths – the click-and-buy convenience of online shopping or the touch-and-feel experience of a brick-and-mortar store. Online, you can play detective, comparing prices and snooping through reviews. In-store, it’s all about getting up close and personal with the goods.

Features: Ditch the dull vibes! This rose-themed clitoral vibrator brings the party with Air Pulse Technology. Imagine a dance of pleasure with a rotating air stream and gentle pressure waves. Bonus: It’s not just for pleasure – this vibrator may even moonlight as a muscle tension reliever! Perfect for those who prefer silky smooth clitoral stimulation.

Online: If you’re surfing the web for your Rose toy, don’t just dive in. Do a little digital detective leg work – read reviews from other users or from a sex educator like they’re juicy gossip and check the return policy like you’re reading the fine print of a peace treaty. This is your sneak peek into the product’s top-notch quality and performance, having aced the quality control test. You want to make sure you’re not stuck with a dud.

A person buying from an online sex toy retailer

Remember, picking a new adult toy is like choosing a new partner for dance – you want to ensure they have the right moves. We’ve already done some legwork with a review of the best Rose sex toys on the market, so consider it your cheat sheet in this dance of delight!


So Is The Rose Toy Bad For Your Health?

Based on the available evidence, the answer is a resounding no. The Rose toy won’t wreak havoc on your health as long as you keep them squeaky clean. Used wisely and with TLC, it’s like a helpful fairy godmother for your sexual fulfillment. Guess what, Doc’s orders! Some doctors prescribe vibrator use for those facing bedroom blues. It’s a prescription for pleasure, helping folks find that sweet spot in their overall sex life.

Lovehoney Rose toy


Do you have any vibrator questions? Ask us on Twitter.

Rachel Sommer, Ph.D.
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