How to Clean the Rose Toy? PRO TIPS from a Sex Toy Tester!

Featured imageAlright, let’s get down to business – and by business, I mean how you clean a rose toy so it sparkles- not just for peak pleasure, but also for keeping things hygienic down there. Think of it as the golden rule of toy play: a clean toy equals a happy, healthy you. So, buckle up, because we’re going to scrub-a-dub-dub our way to a squeaky-clean toy, ensuring your next rendezvous is nothing short of spectacular.

Key Takeaways

First rule: ditch the fancy-smelling soaps. You want a fragrance-free soap or toy cleaners that are as plain as your Uncle Bob’s dance moves – both will do the trick. Once you have your toy cleaner/soap and warm water ready, it’s time to go at it. You must dive into every nook and cranny of your toy, even the ears and stamen – as these harbor bacteria! Give it a good rinse, washing off the grime. Pat the toy’s surface dry with a lint-free towel, and bam! Your rose toy remains hygienic till your next use!

Must I Clean The Rose Toy Each Time It’s Used?

Absolutely, you need to clean the rose toy every single time you have a sexy moment. A good metaphor for it is like brushing your teeth – you wouldn’t skip that, right? Therefore, before or after using your rose toy, make sure it’s free from any unwanted bacteria like body hair or body fluids, especially on the surface; you don’t want it turning into a petri dish of nasties!

Woman thinking


Our Cleaning Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s talk about keeping your toy in tip-top shape – because nobody wants a grubby playmate. Here’s a quick and easy guide to keep your rose toy clean:

  1. Disassemble the toy: Before you start, pop off any removable bits like charging cables or batteries. It’s like prepping a race car – you don’t want to hose it down with the electronics still in!
  2. Determine the right sex toy cleaner: Not all sex toys are the same – ABS plastic, silicone material, you name it. Some sex toys are cool with soap and water, others just need a wipe with a clean towel and a rough cleaning. Think of it like choosing the right soap for your favorite sweater. The user manual is your friend here.
  3. Surface cleaning: Grab a soft cloth or a soft toothbrush to tackle visible grime. Gently wipe your rose toy like dusting your prized action figures.
  4. Choose a cleaning solution: Use mild soap or toy cleaners. Avoid anything scented or harsh soaps – you’re cleaning sex toys, not doing a science experiment. You want to avoid disrupting your vagina’s natural ph balance by using these scented soaps.
  5. Apply the cleaning solution: Lather up that cloth with your chosen cleaner and get to work. Make sure you hit every spot like you’re detailing a car.
  6. Rinse the toy: After scrubbing, give it a good rinse with warm water. No boiling water, please, unless specifically specified in the safety manual that it’s safe for the toy’s material.
  7. Dry the toy: Pat the toy’s surface dry with a lint-free, soft towel, or let it air dry. It’s like sunbathing but for your toy.
  8. Disinfect the toy: If you’re going the extra mile, a dip in a 10% bleach solution (followed by a thorough rinse) does the trick. Remember, this is optional! I also recommend checking the manual if this is possible for your specific model.
  9. Reassemble the toy: Once it’s dry, reassemble and store your dry rose toy somewhere clean. Just like you, your toy wants a snug place to chill.

Cleaning Sex Toys In The Sink

Voila, your rose toy is ready for its next adventure, squeaky clean and safe! But if you’re concern goes far beyond cleaning and more about whether the claim that the “rose vibrator is bad for your health” is true, we recommend checking our separate guide about it instead.


Why Cleaning Any Sex Toy Is Essential

Avoid infections: Think of an unclean sex toy like a bacteria party, and trust me, you don’t want an invite. Bacteria just love to hang out in all those cozy spots – crevices, that fancy licking tongue feature, and the petal folds. It’s their favorite playground, especially those toys with inferior materials so you need to be extra thorough. But the party’s over when you clean and sanitize your unclean sex toys. Doing so is like being the bouncer at the club, keeping those pesky urinary tract infections and other uninvited bacterial guests out.

Longevity: Cleaning isn’t just about hygiene; it’s like giving your car a regular oil change to keep it purring. Whether it’s a ball gag or a butt plug for anal play, treat your toys like prized possessions – clean them regularly. It’s the golden rule in the sex toy industry. Dirt and grime are like kryptonite to your toys, leading to wear and tear. Keep them spick and span, and they’ll stick around for years, saving you some cash for your next steamy adventure.

Smell: Just like you wouldn’t wear a smelly shirt to a date, you wouldn’t want a stinky sex toy in your intimate moments. Keeping your rose toy clean means it not only stays bacteria-free but also keeps its fresh scent and good looks. So, scrub that toy down post-playtime to keep things hygienically sound and smelling like roses (or close enough). Don’t forget, if you skip cleaning your rose toy post-celebration, you’re rolling out the red carpet for germs! A good scrub-down is your cape and shield, safeguarding your nether regions from bacterial invaders.

The side of the packaging

No matter the material, whether you own porous sex toys or non-porous toys, washing off the aftermath of your joyride like your bodily fluids keeps things hygienic, and fun, and most importantly, it keeps you safe. It’s all about avoiding a bacterial bonanza and keeping those icky infections at bay. After all, a clean toy is a happy toy, and a happy toy makes for even happier playtime.


Cleaning Method Based on Material Type

Moving on to sex toys tidying 101: Cleaning a rose toy correctly starts with knowing the material, folks! Needless to say there- different sex toys need their own special cleaning routine. And we’re about to break down the cleaning game based on what your toy is made of:


When you are trying to buy rose toys online, silicone toys are your new best friend as they are the most sanitary material out of all. It’s like the superhero of sex toy materials – super clean and easy to handle. To clean a silicone rose toy correctly, just think of it as giving a bubble bath to a rubber ducky: some warm water, a dash of mild soap, or a toy cleaner that plays nice with silicone. Give it a good rinse, towel it off gently, and there you have it – your silicone toy, ready for round two, clean as a whistle!

Inya Rose by NS Novelties

In the world of easy-to-clean materials, glass toys are the next best thing. A glass toy can take a dip in boiling water without batting an eyelash, making cleaning a breeze. But if you’re on the hunt for a glass rose vibrator, you might need to adjust your radar and settle with a glass rose butt plug– they’re about as rare as finding a unicorn at a petting zoo. Your best bet? Stick with silicone for your rose vibrator needs.

Jelly Rubber (PVC)

Jelly rubber (PVC) rose toys are the high-maintenance divas of the bunch. They’re considered inferior or unsafe materials that’s why they need a bit more TLC in the cleaning department. Think of them like that fancy dress you can’t just toss in the wash. A bit of warm water and mild soap can do the trick, but really, these drama queens demand a specialized toy cleaner made for porous materials. After the spa session, give them a good rinse and pat down with a towel.

Hard Plastic

Hard plastic rose toys? They’re like the laid-back friends in your toy collection – easy-going and low-maintenance. Cleaning them is a breeze: just some warm water and mild or fragrance-free soap, or a toy cleaner that’s cool with hard plastic. Think of it as giving a quick wash to a trusty coffee mug.

The content of the box

Here’s a quick tip from the toy-cleaning trenches: Porous toys like rubber or jelly toys are basically bacteria magnets. Sex toys that are made of porous materials need a bit more elbow grease and sex toy cleaners that are made just for them – think of it as their bodyguard against germs. On the flip side, nonporous buddies like silicone and borosilicate glass are the low-maintenance types. Cleaning them is as easy as pie – a quick scrub, rinse, and you’re done. So, know your toy’s type and clean accordingly!


Must I Clean It Even If I’m The Sole User?

Yes, the general recommendation for most rose toys is you still clean them even if you’re the sole user. Just because you’re the only person on the show doesn’t mean you can skip the clean-up! It’s like having a personal coffee cup – sure, it’s just you drinking from it, but you wouldn’t want yesterday’s coffee remnants in today’s latte, right? Your body’s natural bacteria from all your bodily fluids love to hitch a ride on your toy, plus it might pick up some dust buddies while in storage.

Remember, if you own a porous material toy, it’s best to keep it as your treasure – sharing isn’t caring in this case. Cleanliness equals good sex life hygiene and safe sexual behavior.

Solo Missionary Masturbation Position


How Should I Store My Rose Toy?

Once your rose toy is squeaky clean, it’s all about smart storage to keep it in prime condition. Think of it like a secret agent stashing their gadgets:

  1. Cool, Dry HQ: Store sex toys in a cool, dry spot, away from the treacherous clutches of sunlight and moisture. It’s like hiding treasure away from pirates.
  2. Stealth Mode in a Bag: Pop it in a storage bag to dodge dust and avoid any unsightly scratches. It’s like giving your toy a superhero cape.
  3. Lone Wolf: Don’t mix it with other toys, especially the ones made of different materials. It’s a lone wolf that doesn’t play well with others, to avoid any unwanted scuffles.
  4. Keep Out of Reach: Place it somewhere off-limits to pets and minors.
  5. Fully Charged: If it’s rechargeable, give it a full charge before its hibernation. That way, it’s all set for its next mission.

You can read our How to Charge Rose Toy guide if you want more in-depth instructions on how to do it.

Under the Bed Bins and Boxes

There you go, your rose toy is now safely stashed, ready, and waiting for its next undercover operation! Just stick to these simple tips, and you’ll have a trusty companion that stays by your side for the long haul. So, treat it right, and it will be ready for action whenever you are!


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Sandra Larson
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