How To Suck Your Own Dick? | Safety Tips & Positions

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Featured imageHave you ever wondered if you can suck your own dick?

I was thinking a lot about this in college when I saw people doing it in porn videos. At the time, I was satisfied with merely running my hand up and down my dick until I climaxed, but seeing them lick and suck their penises made me jealous. Hence, I wanted that too.

Sucking your own dick sounds easy, but actually, it’s not. I thought I could just spread my legs, bend over, and start sucking but it didn’t work that way.

Many factors contribute to a successful autofellatio. To start, one needs to possess neck and spine flexibility. Luckily for me, I have the right spine length. I also have a slim body size, and I’m blessed with a larger penis size.

But with the right training I believe most should be able to do this, and I’m here to show you exactly how.

Why Should I Try Self Sucking?

Perhaps you’re wondering why on earth I should do this when someone else can give me oral sex. But hear me out. Autofellatio has numerous benefits; otherwise, I wouldn’t have trained for it in the first place. For me, the main reason was my partner wasn’t around 24/7, and I needed a blowjob at least once per day. But there are several other reasons, and you find some of them below:

1. Because You Can!

Do self-sucking because you can! It’s something you can do on your own, and with the right training and attitude, you can be sucking your own cock in no time at all.

However, not everybody can do it, especially if you lack the physical requirements like having a long spine and an above average cock. It also helps to have a flat stomach so that you can bend well and reach your member.

But nothing is impossible. I trained well such as doing yoga exercises to make myself more flexible. It may seem uncomfortable and even painful initially, but everything is worth it. Remember the saying, no pain, no gain!

2. It’s A Huge Turn On!

Another reason is that it’s a huge turn on! I’m gay, and whenever I do autofellatio in front of a partner, it turns him on as no other sex act could.

There’s something very seductive and erotic about seeing a person perform oral sex on their own body. Once, my partner asked me if I could do it before him, and I said yes. I started by masturbating my penis with my hands to make it harder, bigger, and longer. Then I started kissing the tip of my dick and slowly went balls deep.

He loved watching me do it because it was like watching poetry in motion. Before I knew it, he was masturbating in front of me, and I got so turned on that we ejaculated at the same time.

3. Convenience

Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that you can give yourself a blowjob anytime you want.

I still remember the first time I did it and how excited it was. I got so hooked on autofellatio that I did it several times a week. It’s very satisfying because I don’t need anybody to do it for me. I could just watch a gay porn video and do my thing while actors also do theirs at the same time.

I was on a business trip once and spent two nights in a hotel. Since I couldn’t find a lover at such short notice, doing selfsuck made my nights more exciting and sexually fulfilling.

4. You Learn What You Or Your Partner Like

Are you fond of giving your partner a blow job? If yes, you should learn to suck your own dick. It’s a great way to learn some fantastic BJ techniques.

You can experiment with sucking, licking, kissing, and stroking until you find the right way to satisfy you. In return, you can use the same techniques on your partner and see his reaction. You might just blow his mind with your state-of-the-art BJ skill!


How To Suck Your Own Dick?

According to Alfred Kinsey, there are only two to three men out of every 1,000 who could suck their own cock. Luckily for me, I’m one of the fortunate few. But if you think I’m naturally blessed with what it takes to do such a complicated yet rewarding task, you’re wrong. It took me a while to learn; frankly, I had to train hard. That’s why I believe this number could increase with the right training.

For starters, it requires flexibility of the neck, as well as a long and flexible spine. Also, for autofellatio, you need a slim build or body size, and it also helps to have an above-average penis size (which is 5-6 inches).

Fortunately, there are a few ways to help you achieve flexibility, and the required body size and penis size. So don’t fret!

Note: Self-sucking/autofellatio is an advanced sex act, and you need to take great care when doing it. Any action you take upon the information on this website is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages. Learn more.

1. How Do I Improve My Flexibility?

Stretching exercises can improve or even develop flexibility. Yoga is especially helpful for improving mobility and flexibility, with poses like ‘the plow,’ (image below) ‘downward-facing dog,’ and ‘cobra’ focusing on lengthening the spine and neck [1].

The best way to learn these poses is by enrolling in a yoga class [2] with a professional, especially if you’re concerned about doing it yourself. It’s easy to find an instructor or join a yoga class, and it’s very affordable, too. You can take lessons on weekends or evenings if you have to work during the day.

The Plow Yoga Pose

You can also watch yoga videos in the comfort of your home [3]. Pilates, exercising with a foam roller, or having deep tissue massages can also help you achieve flexibility [4]. Remember to start slow and stop immediately if you feel discomfort or pain. You don’t want to break any bones or muscle tissue for the sake of being able to suck your own dick.

It’s important to begin any new physical regimen or sexual practice with caution, especially for activities requiring significant flexibility. You should make gradual progress to prevent injury and consult with a healthcare provider if you have any health concerns.

Does Penis Size Matter?

As mentioned earlier, it helps to have an above-average penis for self-sucking. So what if you’re not blessed with such physical features?

The good news is that you can (temporarily!) improve your length. It will take dedication, though, like everything else. Using a penis pump or doing penis enlargement stretching may help you achieve the required size. Warning: Stay away from penis enlargement pills!

I tried jelqing (penis massages), and it temporary increased my penis size. But this process takes time; results won’t happen in a snap. (Yes, I know some claim it doesn’t work, but read the research chapter in that Healthline article)e.

What About My Tummy?

Do you have belly fat? Sorry to say this, but you need to get rid of it if you want to reach your cock with your mouth.

A big tummy prevents you from bending lower, so slimming down your body is essential. For a self-sucker, bending and stretching are easier with smaller guts. Bigger guts and busts will only serve as obstacles, especially if you bend to put a dick in your mouth. Loosen up!

A man standing in front of the mirror concerned about his belly size

Perform abdominal exercises to flatten your tummy, exercise regularly, and, most importantly, go on a weight-loss diet [5]. Not only would you be able to suck your own dick in due time, but you will also have a healthier and sexier body in the long run.


Best Positions for Sucking Your Own Dick

Unlike when someone is sucking your dick, positions are somehow limited when doing autofellatio.

For starters, this sex act requires a lot of bending, and even though there are people who can suck their cock while standing up or sitting, the easiest and the go-to self-sucking position is lying on their back.

1. Lying Position

I recommend using a wall or a headboard for this position. Once the penis is hard and erect, lie on the back of a bed or flat surface. Ensure there’s a headboard or a wall that should be a foot away from your head. This wall will support walking your feet down, so your head will be much closer to the pelvis. You can also lie on a pillow to be more manageable and comfortable.

Lying Position

Lift your legs over your head and press them on the wall. Always support your lower back with your arms. Once in position, try to slowly walk your feet down the wall and let your crotch fall closer to your mouth. It should look like in the illustration above.

Always remember that gravity is your ally in this position. However, always be safe and try not to stretch things too far. Do it gradually at first, as it might lead to injuries.

2. Seated Position

There are also other self-suck positions in the book. One of them is the ‘seated’ position (illustration below).


Seated Self Suck Position

This position is the most beginner-friendly on this list; however, you must still have the right build and size, as it still requires much flexibility and mobility.

Start by sitting down and slowly bend your head down until you reach the crotch. You can use your hands to pull or tighten the legs to become closer to your face.

3. The P Position

The ‘P’ position is done standing and using gravity to lower your head. Start in a standing position and lower your face until it reaches the crotch. You can clasp your hands behind your hamstring muscles for additional support.

Autofellatio P Position

4. The Serpent Position

Want to self-suck more comfortably? Try the ‘serpent’ as it’s perhaps the most straightforward position. It is beneficial for those still working on their flexibility.

A man doing the Serpent Position

Lay down on your side in a spooning position and curl towards your crotch/penis until you can reach it. You can use your arms to push the crotch closer. This position is suitable for practicing and if you want to lick your dick head.

5. The X Position

The last and perhaps the most challenging self-suck position is the ‘X.’ ‘X’ for experts, as they say. In this position, you roll your legs over or under your shoulders and cross them behind your neck (like in the illustration below). This move, in return, will lift your crotch closer to your mouth.

X Position

This self-sucking position is for the advanced players, so be extremely careful. However, it’s one of the most effective positions and will give you an earth-shattering climax!


Risks When Sucking Your Own Dick

There are many risks with this sex act and you must understand them all before starting.

For starters, there may be pain and injury to your neck and back, especially for beginners. There might also be instances where you scrape certain sensitive parts of your gum, teeth, or even your penis. Also, autofellatio is especially risky for those who are prone to neck and back injuries. I recommend consulting your primary physician if you are uncertain.


PRO TIPS I Learned Over The Years

To have a successful autofellatio, you must prepare and gear up your body—full stop. Try to loosen the body with some exercise and a warm bath. Warm-up stretching is also essential.

I also recommend drinking plenty of water and emptying the bladder before the session. Do not eat an hour before giving yourself head.

1. Clean Up And Relax

You should always clean yourself beforehand. A dirty penis stinks and you don’t want that in your mouth. So, rinse it with mild soap and water before your session. Brushing your teeth, floss, and using mouthwash is also helpful.

I also recommend trimming and cleaning your fingernails to prevent cuts and scrapes. Drinking plenty of water and maintaining a diet that improves the semen taste, such as eating fruits like pineapples and avoiding strong-flavored foods, can enhance the experience. Always perform a thorough clean-up post-activity to maintain genital hygiene.

2. Tricks To Stay Hard

Some people can’t stay hard for longer periods, especially those with erectile dysfunction. Sadly, if you are one of them, you must double or triple your efforts for a successful experience.

But then again, there are always solutions, and in your case, you can take Viagra or other supplements designed to improve erection [6]. Using a penis pump followed by cock ring is also an effective way to keep your erection for a longer time.

3. Good Ambience

I also recommend creating a good, relaxing ambiance. It help relax your body and mind, making the session smoother. Movements will be difficult when all your muscles are tense.

I usually put on some soft background music, dim the lights, and burn aromatherapy candles. Other people use romantic lighting or put on an erotic movie [7]. Whatever works for you.

Stop immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort. Don’t push yourself if there’s something wrong. After all, it’s rare for anyone to succeed on their first attempt. I had to do it and failed several times before I finally performed the act satisfactorily.

Trust me; a self-blowjob is a pleasurable act that requires loads of patience.

4. Get Help From Your Partner

If you have a partner, let them help you by gently pressing your legs or back. But please stop immediately if you feel pain or if your instincts tell you something is wrong. A safe word or signal help you communicate better in stressful situations. Also, please remember that all partners must also give explicit consent to all sexual activities you’re planning to perform.

5. Have A Cum Plan

Many are wondering if they should swallow or not.

If you’re a straight guy who’s doing this for the first time, you should probably not swallow, as it can be overwhelming. However, once you get the feel and taste of it, you can also swallow your cum.

I remember gagging the first time, but eventually, I started to like it. But you should be aware that there are some risks with swallowing semen [7] even if it’s your own. Proper research is the best way to mitigate risks.

6. Have Your Phone Close By

To suck your own dick is very risky, especially if you’re not used to it. Self-BJ is such a gamble. There are risks, especially since you are in a very vulnerable situation.

So how do you prepare for it? Aside from taking the necessary precautions, I recommend keeping your cell phone within reach. You can never tell what will happen, but knowing help is only a call away can assure you.

7. Alternative Pleasure Methods

Let’s face it. Some people will never be able to perform self-fellatio. And that’s totally ok. Instead, you can try some alternative pleasure methods. Sex toys, particularly those designed to stimulate the penis and prostate, can provide intense pleasure and a novel experience. Prostate massagers are engineered to target the prostate gland, leading to powerful and distinct orgasms. Similarly, masturbators and vibrating cock rings can intensify the sensation during solo sessions, adding variety to one’s sexual routine.


So, Is This Something I Should Try?

Ever got jealous of a dog or hamster, but not for the reason that they are cute and fluffy, but because they can lick their own dick?

I am pretty sure that most of the penis population fancy having their dicks sucked. I mean, who doesn’t? Even gay men love it when their dicks are being sucked. I am gay, and I enjoy having a good blowjob just as any straight man.

Another thing is that most people have at least tried, even for once, to suck their own dick. Yes. And that shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of, either. I believe exploring and trying new things is what makes us human.

Giving someone a blow and having your own dick in your mouth feels like two different things.


Shane Davis
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