What Is Edging? A Beginner’s Guide To Orgasm Control

A man sitting on the edge of a cliff

Unfortunately, quickies, porn, and one-night stands have become the norm. But next time you sneak off to the bedroom, you may want to slow down to see how much more pleasure you can experience.

At first, it might be hard for your body to stop right before an orgasm. It can be much harder for men––no pun intended––than for women. The next time you’re going at it with your sexual partner, stop stimulation before finishing and do something else. Maybe take a hike in nature together.

It might change the way you have sex.

What Is Edging?

Edging is the practice of stopping sexual stimulation right as you are about to orgasm––at the edge of the climax––then starting stimulation again and repeating until you are ready to come. [1] By delaying the climax as long as possible, you may ultimately have an even more intense orgasm.


Benefits of Edging

Edging has several benefits for men and women that could improve your sex life.

Benefit #1: Increased energy

Sexual energy is your life force energy. When you gain control of your orgasm, you gain control of your overall energy and well-being. People who include semen retention in a tantra practice have reported feeling more purpose, higher motivation to complete projects, and a clear mind after just a few days of avoiding orgasm.

You will have so much extra energy that you won’t even know what to do with yourself.

Benefit #2: Higher sex drive

When your energy increases and you can control the release of sexual energy, you will find you may have a higher sex drive. Edging will leave you satisfied and with a higher libido, and it can improve your connection with yourself and your partner.

Benefit #3: Less performance anxiety

Edging can also help people release feelings of anxiety around sexual intercourse by removing the emphasis on the climax itself. You get to know your body better, learn what arouses you, and bring you closer to orgasm.

And if you suffer from premature ejaculation, an edging handjob may help you last longer.

Benefit #4: Testosterone levels increase

Multiple scientific studies show testosterone levels increase significantly in men who avoid masturbation for a while (AKA blue balls). Higher testosterone may explain these other benefits that men reported, including more strength, deeper voice, thicker hair, and an increased feeling of power.


How To Practice Edging

Edging masturbation may not be possible right away, so it takes some practice. Try these techniques to develop your ability to practice edging.

#1: Strengthen your PC muscles

One way to stop an orgasm is by squeezing your PC muscles or pelvic floor muscles.

If you’ve ever tried kegel exercises, this is the exact contraction you need to stop the orgasm. Plus, it works for both men and women.

For women, using a jade egg has many benefits, including strengthening the PC muscles. It’s a semi-precious gemstone in the shape of an egg and created with an exact shape and weight to be placed inside the vagina. The vagina muscles have to contract to hold on to the weight and keep it from dropping out.

#2: Blocking to prevent ejaculation

Blocking is when you pinch the tip of your penis when you feel you are about to ejaculate, effectively blocking the semen from exiting the body. As you feel yourself getting close to climax, pinch the tip of the penis until the feeling subsides.

The International Society for Sexual Medicine calls this the “squeeze method.” They suggest squeezing the tip of the penis when you are about to climax, waiting 30 seconds, and then continuing.

Blocking semen has many similar benefits to edging while also helping your body learn how to stop at the edge of a climax. There are no adverse side effects of blocking semen, and the body simply reabsorbs semen that does not ejaculate and helps prevent the release of excess energy.


Breathing Techniques

Use these breathing techniques to achieve orgasm control and spread the energy around the body that doesn’t release when you don’t orgasm.

#1: Belly breathing

Deep belly breaths slow down your body’s response to stimulation, and it can make reaching orgasm take longer and feel more pleasurable. This article suggests that controlled breathing calms the arousal centers in the brain. You can use the breath to manage excitement, whether sexual arousal or panic attacks.

  • To start, simply bring your attention to your breath.
  • Notice how you feel before you even start stimulation.
  • As you get going, keep focusing on your breath.
  • Counting to six on your inhale and exhale can help you stay focused.
  • Breathe deeply into the bottom of your lungs, and fill them all the way up on each inhale. Feel the breath expand your ribcage.
  • Exhale all the air out naturally.

A couple practicing focused breathing

#2: Up and down breathing

This breathing technique is also called the arousal breath or Breath of Life. It helps to stimulate the metabolism and makes you feel very energized.

This practice involves breathing quickly. A Stanford Medicine study says that breathing rapidly builds tension. This breathing technique builds tension and heat quickly to create an energetic calm afterward.

Practice this technique in the morning rather than close to bedtime is better. Here’s a guide to get you started:

  • Find a comfortable seat, place your right hand on your belly, and observe your breath. Feel the breath fill up your belly.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Breathing through your nose, take deep, steady breaths.
  • When you are ready, inhale and exhale very rapidly through the nose. Use your belly to power your breaths. Feel your belly expand on each inhale. Draw your belly button towards the spine on each exhale.
  • Keep breathing like this for two minutes. It can get difficult but keep pushing. You may even feel your abdominal muscles working like when you do crunches.
  • After two full minutes of arousal breathe, let it go, and breathe normally.
  • With your eyes still closed, notice how you feel. Scan your physical body and observe the thoughts that are arising.

Make sure you breathe through the nose for the entire exercise. Breathing through the mouth cools the body, while this breath technique builds heat. As you create heat within the body by breathing, you will feel a buildup of arousal, passion, and life-force energy.

The more you practice the arousal breath, the more you will find yourself with more confidence, a greater sense of power, and increased energy.

A man doing breathing exercises


Edging for Vagina Owners

While men and women can use several of the same breathing techniques for edging, men and women also need different tools for different anatomies.

This 2014 study tells us that about 40% of the sexually active women surveyed reported having experienced premature orgasms. Female edging can help prevent premature orgasm and prolong pleasure.

For most women, as you approach orgasm, you can simply slow down the clitoris stimulation. Try not to allow your body to go past the edge of the climax.

Here’s a tantra technique that women can try to aid in the edging practice and experience braingasms. The goal is to experience the delayed orgasm in your brain instead of in your groin.

No problem if you do climax, though. You can try the technique again after about three minutes.

  • Clench the glutes tightly as you feel yourself approach an orgasm. Doing this exerts the muscles upward and sends the physical sensations from your pelvis to your brain.
  • Tighten the anus. Keep squeezing tight as you continue stimulation towards the edge of a climax. This technique will send more pressure upwards, and you might even feel the sensation in your ears.
  • Practice deep belly breaths. Long, controlled breaths will push the sensations toward the brain.
  • Inhale deeply and hold your breath.
  • Clench your teeth together and engage the jaw.
  • Pull energy up from the clitoris towards your face and from the rear toward your brain.
  • Feel the explosion in your brain. For many women, this pleasure in your brain is similar to the clitoral orgasm, but it can last much longer.
  • Keep squeezing, pulling up, and slowly stimulating your clit until you experience more than twenty braingasms.
  • Don’t let yourself cum, and stop stimulating yourself. Then get up and do something else.

After this process, walk, be in nature, and notice how you feel. You might even have another braingasm looking at the sunset. This process helps you find a magical state of connectedness to the flow of life.


Edging for Penis Owners

Semen retention is a technique that men can use when practicing. You still have all the same benefits of edging with all the retained energy, while enjoying the same sexual pleasure.

Today, most men only know about ejaculatory body orgasms, where you ejaculate semen every time you orgasm. Semen retention involves a non-ejaculatory orgasm. It has been practiced by men around the world for centuries. For many, it is believed to maximize physical and spiritual energy. It’s also used for sexual transmutation.

Semen is full of nutrition, and it’s quite literally a life force energy that has the power to give life. Every time you ejaculate, you release energy from the body.

Semen retention is a way to enjoy pleasure while keeping energy levels high. When you are young, you have a seemingly unlimited amount of this energy. As you get older, though, you need to be more careful with controlling your energy levels.

Try it, and see how you feel after. You will find that you aren’t as drained as you usually are after a sexual encounter. You don’t need to practice semen retention every time, though. Here’s a guideline for how often you can ejaculate without draining your energy:

  • Younger than 30 years old: ejaculate 1-3 times per week.
  • 30 to 50 years old: once per week.
  • Older than 50 years old: once every two weeks.

Once you know your energy levels better, you will be able to determine when to ejaculate and when it might benefit you to practice semen retention. To start out, it might be beneficial to practice semen retention for a full two weeks to get to know your own body. It will be worth it!

You can read more about semen retention in my Karezza guide.


Maybe you have tried edging before, but now you have some new ideas that will help you enjoy even more pleasurable and intense orgasms. It can take some practice to get some of these edging techniques to work for you. But your sex life will improve with your increased energy and stamina.


Hakima Tantrika
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