What Is OMing? Beginner’s Guide to Orgasmic Meditation

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During an orgasmic meditation, or “OMing,” women can learn to understand their body and its sensations. They can better connect with their intimate part and feel a rush of pleasure that may or may not lead to an orgasm.

OMing is not masturbation. It’s a two-person experience, as well as a connection practice. It teaches you to relate differently to your body. When you use a sex toy, it’s often mechanical, and OMing goes the opposite route.

Some women try OMing and orgasm for the first time, and it gives them hope they can actually reach ecstasy once they know what feels good on their clitoris. Then, later on, they can better guide their partner during their sex life or reproduce the same movement during their self-pleasure sessions.

What Is Oming?

Orgasmic meditation, or “OMing,” is a simple, 15-minute practice. It involves the stimulation of a clitoris owner by another male or female and focuses on body sensations without an outcome in mind. Penetration is out of the equation, and foreplay is not included.

The receiver is always someone with a clitoris, but the giver can be anyone.

Orgasmic meditation can be practiced among couples, with a professional, or in workshops dedicated to the idea.

Orgasmic meditation has a goal, and it comes from the realization that more than 40% of women have trouble orgasm. Unfortunately, women’s pleasure and bodies are still largely misunderstood. Most research on sexuality is done by men, with their perspective on sexuality, so women find it hard to understand their bodies and how to orgasm.


History of OMing

Originally, OMing was an orgasmic meditation technique from wellness company OneTaste, founded by Nicole Daedone in the San Francisco Bay area. Even Hollywood stars such as Chloe Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow have tried it.

In 2018, OneTaste closed its locations and stopped hosting in-person classes, so-called “OM circles.” And they are now under investigation for prostitution and other shady practices.

A Tantric retreat

But you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to practice orgasmic meditation. With this article, you’ll know everything about practicing it from the comfort of your home!


How Do You Practice OMing?

OMing combines mindfulness, sensual touches, and pleasure.

Mindfulness is becoming aware of our thoughts, feelings, and body sensations at a given moment. The mind, which generally operates on autopilot mode, focuses on the present moment and notices what is happening right there in the moment.

When the mind moves away from the present moment to get lost in habitual and mundane thoughts, for example, we just notice and return to being present.

The giver of OMing uses sensual touches while being guided by the receiver. The receiver will practice asking what she needs and how she wants it.

Lastly, as the name indicates, OMing is about being orgasmic. While orgasm is not the end goal, this mediation is often orgasmic. There’s no pressure to perform for someone else, just to receive. And what happens when a female allows herself to receive is usually pleasure.

A woman meditating

Pleasure is a difficult thing to quantify, and there are obstacles to orgasms, such as:

  1. Trauma
  2. Self-consciousness
  3. Body shame
  4. Health conditions

During the 15 minutes of this orgasmic meditation, a female will become aware of any obstacles, say they exist.

  • 15 minutes is long enough to let the thoughts arise and short enough to not harm a woman dealing with sexual trauma, for example.
  • 15 minutes is also long enough for the body and mind to relax and short enough to be practiced regularly. Like yoga and meditation, it’s a practice. The first time you try it, you will feel awkward, but if you keep going and the more attention you put on it, the more you get out of it.
  • Lastly, 15 minutes of clitoris stimulation is long enough to reach an orgasm, even if it isn’t the end goal. The female orgasm experienced is much different from a traditional climax.


What Are The Benefits?

When you are on the receiver’s side of orgasmic meditation, you will:

  • Open to a state of vulnerability and receptivity.
  • Allow for transformation and healing.
  • Discover what you like.
  • Learn to ask for what you need.

When you are on the giver’s side, you will:

  • Give the chance to experience a mind, body, and spirit connection.
  • Awaken passion again.
  • Learn to listen to someone else’s needs and notice their subtle changes in the body.

Our pleasure and ability to be vulnerable are linked with our overall well-being and health. When you break down the blockages you carry in your body, you can experience a state of harmony and fluidity.


A Step-By-Step Guide to OMing

Here’s everything you need to know to practice meditation for female pleasure from the comfort of your home.

#1: Partnering with a giver and a receiver

If you are the receiver, you must have a clitoris. Your task is to find a trustworthy giver and give them exact OMing instructions. Share with them this article so that they understand the purpose of this meditation.

As a reminder, OMing is a meditation, and the practice will look different each time, depending on what’s going on in your life. There’s no outcome, but it can lead to orgasm. It’s not foreplay, and It’s essential to keep these practices separate from sex to allow the receiver to fully relax and be present in practice.

A couple meditating in the bedroom

If you are the giver, it’s a form of meditation, too. It can feel awkward to go and look for a giver, so you might want to choose your partner if you are in a relationship with a vulva owner. You can also offer this practice to a close friend by explaining the goal.

You have to free yourself from the desire for sex after a meditative orgasm. It’s important to remember it’s also a mindfulness exercise for you, which involves active listening. You will be focusing on the sensations over your fingers and honoring the requests of the receiver.

The benefit for the giver is that they can learn to get more familiar and comfortable with a woman’s clitoris and be at ease with female pleasure. By putting yourself in the giver position, you would want to reproduce that during sexual encounters if you’re a man where sex usually ends with your ejaculation.

Note the giver can also be a heterosexual woman––there’s no restriction on the giver’s end.

#2: Set the space and get comfortable

You want to create a sense of safety. Use pillows to create a cozy cocoon. Check the temperature of the room and use some essential oils to give a spa-like sensation.

You can also put music on, but I personally prefer to practice orgasmic meditation in silence. Silence forces us to stay present and connected to our body sensations rather than focusing on the music.

I put blankets and a spare mattress on the floor to separate the space from your sleeping habitat, but if you don’t have this option, you can use a bed. That works, too!

Romantic bedroom

The giver stays fully clothed, and the receiver only drops the panty. It prevents any misunderstanding of the purpose of this meditation.

The receiver should lie back comfortably, legs in the butterfly position, with one leg on the top of the giver’s leg.

The giver should sit next to the receiver in a comfortable position.

You will be in this position for 15 minutes, so you ensure you are comfortable.

#3: Open the meditation practice and stimulate the clitoris

You want to start by opening the space. Both the giver and the receiver should raise their hands into prayer mode in front of their chests. Then, think of an intention for the meditation or simply repeat some gratitude words inside your head.

The intention could be the desire to fully connect with the body or completely release any obstacles between the receiver and pleasure. Or, it could just be to give and take pleasure from giving. There is no right or wrong intention.

Then begin.

Role of the receiver

The receiver has no other job than to relax, focus on bodily sensations and thoughts, and give instructions if needed.

Pay attention to your body sensations. If any thoughts pass by, let them drift. Pay attention to the space inside and around you. Pay attention to the sounds.

Ask for the stroke you desire. You’re getting connected to your body and its needs and desires.

The rest is in the giver’s hands (pun fully intended).

Role of the giver

The giver will set the time for the orgasm meditation.

The giver can wear a latex glove with lube, with the use of lube mandatory anyway, to make it less painful for the receiver.

My favorite is the feminine moister by Intimina. It is a water-based solution enriched with aloe vera for extra moisture, making it non-sticky and non-greasy.

Find the clitoris. There’s a specific spot you will stimulate for 15 minutes. Start at ‘1 o’clock,’ on the left side of the clitoris.

You will find a zing under your fingertips. The spot will change from one person to another. Try to stroke the clitoris in a non-sexual way.

Gently apply different pressures and motions:

  • Up and down
  • Side to side
  • Circles

Since OMing is a form of meditation, stay present and pay attention to the subtle changes in the receiver’s body. Connect to the receiver’s sexual energy.

The climax is not the point of the experience, and the journey won’t be linear. There will be enjoyable moments and calmer moments.

#4: Closing

Once the 15 minutes are over, the giver should announce the end of the meditation by gently slowing the movements until it stops.

If the receiver experienced an orgasm, let her come back into her body for the next five minutes or so.

Then, invite her to put a hand on her heart and another hand on her genitals. Remember your intention and say, internally, a few words of gratitude before closing the space.

The receiver can then get dressed up after that.


This guide is all you need to know about orgasmic meditation.

Try it out, and let me know what you think! It’s a beautiful exercise!


Hakima Tantrika
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