Beginners’ Guide to Sex Magic: How To Channel Sexual Energy

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Many humans have a complicated relationship with sex. People often have unhealthy sexual habits or deny their sexuality. Even most spiritual practices have suppressed our sexual nature and kept us away from using the powers of sexual energy. It’s because sex is the most powerful energy on earth, and it can be scary. When you think about it, it has the power to create life.

But when we accept the power of sexual energy, we can start using it in our favor with a process called sex magic or sexual transmutation.

What Is Sex Magic?

Sex magic (or sex magick) is a powerful tool used by tantra practitioners and even the most successful business people to manifest a deliberate reality creation.

You may have heard about sexual transmutation from Napoleon Hills. In his book, “Think and Grow Rich,” Hills writes:

“Sex transmutation is simple and easily explained. It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression to thoughts of some other nature.”

So, what does that really mean? Instead of using sexual energy for sex, sexual transmutation or sex magic takes it and uses it to motivate other life goals. In other words, use your sexual energy to manifest your desires.

In order to make sense of it, we need to first define sexual energy.


What Is Sexual Energy?

There is spiraling energy in our body that tantra practitioners call “kundalini.” This energy is usually dormant in the base of our spine, but we can learn to move it to reach the crown of our head.

On its way toward the crown of our head, the kundalini energy passes through seven energy centers––called chakras––located along our spine.

The 7 Chakras

For example, the solar plexus is the source of our willpower. If a person lacks willpower, kundalini energy may be blocked around this energy center. The energy can be drained from having too much sex and masturbation or even from worrying and overthinking.

Newton’s third law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change form, and energy follows thoughts and attention.

Any of our thoughts can affect and change the state of our energy. This means that both positive and negative thoughts alter our energy and our reality. With the power of thoughts, we can shift their composition and transmute them from one state into another––from sexual energy into success energy.

We can move our energy from the sacral chakra to the upper chakras by using the creative sounds of mantra and breathing. It takes a lot of practice to awaken and move this dormant energy up to the crown. However, with just these few techniques, anyone can get started with practicing sex magic.


The Foundations Of Sex Magic

In order to practice sex magic, you will need:

1. An energetically open body

Most people have energy blockages throughout their bodies. An easy solution to unlock yours is to stretch your body daily. Practicing Tantric yoga can be a beneficial tool for your sex magic journey.

A man stretching

2. A calm mind

Tantric meditation to clear your mind and tune in to the energy waves. Practice closing your eyes and sitting quietly.

You want to reach a state of alpha and theta––the brainwave states associated with psychic perception. With alpha waves, you can talk, you can walk, or you can perform a sex magic ritual. Whereas with theta waves, you experience deep relaxation. Both are beneficial and occur in different areas of the brain during meditation.

A couple meditating

Luckily, science has shown that for our brain to generate alpha and theta waves, we simply need to close our eyes briefly and start visualizing.


Benefits Of Channeling Our Sexual Energy With Sex Magic

Why would anybody want to channel their sexual energy with sex magic? Here’s the list of benefits:

1. Increased vitality and energy

The biggest advantage of pursuing sexual magic is that it helps you radically improve your health.

Sexual energy is also life-force energy, and it can accumulate if it’s stuck inside the body for too long. So, when you are full of sexual energy, you might feel like you have a lot of motivation to keep yourself busy.

Being super productive is a good problem, so you must discover alternative ways to release the energy.

2. Material and professional success

A buildup of energy also means you will be more motivated to work on your projects.

Maybe you tried to prove to your boss that you deserve that promotion. You might find yourself working extra hard and finally get your reward.

Or perhaps you know you need to start exercising again, but you always feel tired. Practicing sex magic will move the stagnant energy, and you’ll be working out at five in the morning before you know it.

Hill explains that this is why many men only find success when they are over 40 years old. When they forget about chasing women, they begin to use their sexual energy for business goals.

3. Improved sex life

If you practice sex magick, you will learn to release your sexual energy with moderation and intention. You likely won’t be depleted of it, and your libido will increase.

Yab Yum Tantra Position

You will gain control over your sexual energy and your body. Sex magic teaches you to generate sexual energy, move it through the body, and use it as you desire to manifest your goals.

Your overall energy will be higher, and you will have more concentrated sexual energy that doesn’t drain easily.


A Step-By-Step Guide To Sex Magic

Leakage can happen when we give in to our negative thoughts and emotions. Follow these simple steps, and you will learn to move your sexual energy and achieve your goals.

Step 1: Define your goal

Take some time to write down your goal. Create an exact picture of what you want to manifest with sex magic, and use your imagination to see it clearly.

Woman thinking

Smile and visualize your goal with positivity. Keep your goal for yourself.

Step 2: Focus on your goal

When you feel a high sex drive, instead of acting on it, focus your attention on your goal.

This burning desire you have? Channel it towards your goal. Remember your visualization, and decide you want it more than the instant satisfaction of pleasure.

When you do so, remember why you chose this goal.

Step 3: Keep focusing on your goal and be patient

When you focus on your goal and are patient, things fall into place. It’s important not to give up. Manifestation takes time, and the Universe will conspire to favor your desires.

If you keep focusing and practicing sex magic, and you wait long enough, your goals will begin to manifest.

Step 4: Avoid sexual stimulation for a few weeks

You have to avoid sexual activity, including masturbation or sexual stimulation of any kind, for some time. Conserving your sexual essence is the primary key to sexual transmutation.

It tends to be easier for women than for men since masturbation is more common among men.

Eventually, by practicing sex magic, you will learn to control your release of sexual energy. You will have higher levels while enjoying an abundance of sexual energy and increased libido.

Instead of complete abstinence, men can practice “semen retention.”

How to practice semen retention

Semen retention simply means that you don’t ejaculate every time you want to come. Men across cultures have practiced it for many centuries to achieve different goals.

Typically, most men only experience ejaculatory body orgasms. It’s when you ejaculate every time you orgasm.

But orgasm and ejaculation are different functions in the body. You can have non-ejaculatory orgasms. So, semen retention does not mean that you avoid pleasure. You can still have a sexual experience, including orgasms while avoiding seminal ejaculation.

But why is semen retention helpful in practicing sex magic?

Semen is full of nutrition. It’s a life force energy that, when combined with an egg, has the magical power to create life. What an incredible sexual power in a little bit of bodily fluid!

But, it also means that each time you ejaculate, that life force energy is leaving your body. It’s not a problem when you are younger, but you may find that the older you get, the more tired you feel after ejaculation. You could even be tired for longer periods.

Instead of ejaculating every time you orgasm, take control of your own body and energy levels. You can choose when you ejaculate and when you don’t.

If you’re under 30 years old, you can ejaculate one to three times a week and still have good energy levels. For 30 to 50-year-olds, try to ejaculate about once a week. If you are older than 50, ejaculate only once every two weeks to maintain your energy.

The older you get, the less you should ejaculate if you want to sustain higher levels of life-force energy within the body.

Step 5: Move this stored energy up with breathwork

Use this breathwork technique to generate and move sexual energy. This energy is the foundation for manifestation. The stored sexual energy will move up through the body’s energy centers, becoming available to transform it into your goals.

  • Find a comfortable, relaxed seat.
  • Touch the thumb and index finger together on each hand, forming a circle. Lock the two circles together like a chain. Let the linked hands rest in your lap.
  • Begin to focus on the breath for a few minutes.
  • Press the tongue against the roof of your mouth and hold it there throughout the exercise.
  • When you are ready, exhale all the air out through the mouth.
  • Inhale naturally through the nose for a count of eight.
  • Exhale effortlessly through the mouth for a count of eight.
  • Hold your breath for a count of eight.
  • Repeat for seven minutes and visualize your desire in your mind’s eye.


When we express sexual energy through sex and desire, it dissipates. It goes out through the sex organs. Otherwise, it travels up to the higher energy centers and energizes them.

Once we can uplift our sexual energy to the top of our crown, we can channel it into other intentions.

The base of sex magic manifestation is to take your orgasmic energy and channel it into the higher centers.

The breathing rituals combined with visualization and meditation will teach you to spread it throughout your body. By practicing sex magic, you will vibrate at a different level, and your increased levels will help you achieve your goals.


Hakima Tantrika
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