What Is Traditional Tantra Yoga? A Beginners Guide!

A woman doing a yoga pose

A yoga class can help you get in shape and build a better body—or it can help you relax, calm down, and get centered. It all depends on what you’re looking for. But if you’re more into the philosophy and want to tap into your higher mind, you may be more interested in learning tantric yoga.

In this beginner’s guide, I teach you how to use this ancient yoga practice to connect more deeply with yourself, others, and life itself.

What Is Tantric Yoga?

I like to say traditional Tantric yoga is a meditation in movement because it’s slow and is practiced in silence. It’s also a contemplation of the body. Tantric yoga emphasizes expanding by not doing, contradicting the Western norm that growth and success come through constant doing and pushing oneself past limits.

Through tantra yoga, we become aware of our nature as sexual beings. We learn to move our bodies without effort, simply with intention. And we can apply this understanding to everyday life.

Use the power of intention to grow and develop without using force and draining your energy.

Did you know that the Sanskrit word “yoga” means to unite mind, body, and spirit?


What Makes Tantric Yoga Different?

What’s the difference between traditional tantra yoga and other forms such as Hatha, Vinyasa, or Iyengar yoga?

A couple meditating in the bedroom

What makes tantric yoga different is the acceptance of the “body-positive” view.

  • In traditional forms of yoga, we transcend our own body, and emphasis is placed upon the spirit. But in tantra yoga, the body is the manifestation of the spirit. It’s embraced with its imperfections and treated like a temple.
  • One of the tantric principles states to bring full awareness to the body and work with it. It’s alright if we are unable to hold a pose. It simply indicates what our body can handle, and we embrace this.
  • In tantra yoga, we don’t force or shame our bodies. An instructor will never make adjustments or push you to do something uncomfortable. Your body knows best, and it’s important to respect it.

Did you know that Tantra was originally a yoga practice and is over 7000 years old?


Why It Can Improve Your Sexuality

Traditional Tantra Yoga is a great tool to improve your sexuality. But typically, you don’t practice it naked, and no sexual acts are performed. However, tantra yoga greatly supports the practice of mindful sex.

Traditional tantra yoga is a form of meditation in movement. It teaches you to be comfortable with silence and to connect with yourself and your surroundings. You need to stay alert and aware of what’s happening within and around you. Slow everything down and enjoy the silence with your partner. This is very similar to how mindful sex works.

Yab Yum Tantra Position

Here are some additional similarities between classical tantra yoga and mindful sex:

  • You are encouraged to focus on feeling all parts of your body, including your sexual organs. During Mindful sex, you want to do the same.
  • You’re not trying to perform. During mindful sex, you are also not there to perform, and it’s essential to stay present in the moment.
  • You breathe in, hold and release. Mindful sex uses the same technique during the climax.
  • According to Tantric tradition, you focus on the sensations within with your eyes closed. It’s the same during mindful sex. You alternate between connecting with yourself and your partner through eye gazing, creating a deep feeling of intimacy.

Partner tantra is the next step. It involves moving in rhythm with your partner, following the same steps as solo tantra yoga but with a partner. When you perform it with your loved one, it’s magical, and you can enjoy many positions during tantric rituals before the love-making act.


Benefits Of Tantric Yoga

The benefits are the same as those of other yogic practices. There are, however, some additional benefits with traditional Tantra yoga:

  • It improves flexibility.
  • It promotes relaxation, which is good for mental health.
  • Tantric yoga liberates you from body shame.
  • Connects you to your sexual organs and your sexual energy.
  • It teaches you patience and relieves performance anxiety.


How To Practice Traditional Tantric Yoga: A Step-by-Step Guide

A tantric yoga session usually lasts for 2.5 – 3 hours. Yes, this is quite long; however, time flies when you do a practice. When you can sit with yourself for 3 hours, you learn the patience required to practice mindful Tantric sex.

Below is a brief overview of traditional tantra yoga segments and some techniques and positions you can practice at home alone or with a partner.


A traditional tantra yoga session starts with some dancing and then setting an intention.


The warm-up segment lasts about 45 minutes and can be done standing or sitting. The goal is to create heat in the physical body and loosen the spine. Tantric yoga poses–asanas–are common to Hatha Yoga.

Shavasana Series

This segment lasts about 1.5 hours and is completed primarily on the back. In this segment, you learn to become aware of the tension, blockages, and stored emotions in your body. You create a space for release.

Active positions are interspersed with passive “corpse” positions called Shavasana. In Shavasana, the physical body and mind find deep relaxation as the cells process new information gained during the active postures.

Position 1: Tantra Greeting

How to do Tantra greeting

  1. Stand with your legs hip-width apart and raise your hands in prayer mode to the sky. Place hips squarely over the feet.
  2. Bend your back and relax your hands to the floor before squatting. Stay there for 5 breaths.
  3. Breathe into your lower back and squeeze your perineum to feel your anus.
  4. Next, rise with your knees slightly bent and flow up with your arms one vertebrae at a time.
  5. Bring your joined hands to the heart center during exhalation.

Position 2: Expanded intense forward bending + counter posture

Expanded intense forward bending Position

  1. Open your legs.
  2. On an exhale, bend forward.
  3. Bring your hands to the mat in line with your feet and relax your shoulders.
  4. Stay here for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Balance with a counter posture where you stretch your front and bend backward.
  6. Hold this posture for 5 breaths.

Position 3: Fetus or Garbha Asana

Fetus or Garbha Asana Pose

Bring your legs behind your head and hold for 3-5 minutes.

Note: If your spine lacks mobility, this Tantric yoga position may over-flex the cervical spine. Please avoid this.

Position 4: Corpse position or Shavasana

Corpse position or Shavasana

  1. Lay flat on your back with your legs and arms wide open. The palms are facing up.
  2. Relax all of your muscles at once and keep your eyes closed.
  3. Breathe deeply while you bring your attention to each part of your body.
  4. Begin with the top of your head and continue down to your feet. Stay here for at least 5 minutes.
  5. Fill your body with air like a balloon and hold for 25-30 seconds.
  6. When you release, you will go deeper into relaxation.

This position is the easiest to perform yet the most difficult to master. The challenge is to maintain awareness without effort. A deep state of quiet consciousness is entirely different from sleep, which is a common experience in this pose.

During Shavasana, the primary curves of the body are in contact with the ground. The body is entirely at rest and free of the demands of gravity.

Further, it’s possible to practice becoming fully aware of—but not controlling— the breath’s movements in this position.

Makarasana Series

This segment lasts 30-45 minutes and is completed on the belly. Each position is interspersed with the “crocodile” pose (Makarasana).

In the crocodile pose, the goal is to stay alert and relaxed at the same time, just like the crocodile. You breathe deeply into your lower back at the end of each pose, sending additional oxygen through your entire body.

Position 1: Locust pose or Salabha Asana

Locust pose or Salabha Asana

  1. Put your chin on your mat and make a fist with your hands and thumbs inside.
  2. Next, place your fists under your hips.
  3. As you exhale, lift one leg and point your toes to engage all the muscles. If you can, raise a bit higher.
  4. Stay there for as long as you can.
  5. Repeat with the opposite leg.

This position tones the muscles of the lower back and relieves backache. The intra-abdominal pressure increases blood circulation and relieves constipation. It also tones the abdominal organs and enables the heart and lungs to improve their capacity. It also helps develop self-confidence, willingness, and character.

Position 2: Bow or Dhanura Asana

Bow or Dhanura Asana Yoga Pose

  1. Grasp your ankles with your hands.
  2. As you exhale, kick up your legs and rise.
  3. Your arms are straight and your chest is open as you look forward.
  4. Stay in this position for as long as you can.

The bow position is a great way to expand the chest and open the lungs. As a result, it’s beneficial for people with asthma and respiratory problems. Further, it increases circulation throughout the vertebral column and improves its elasticity.

Position 3: Crocodile or Makarasana

Crocodile or Makarasana Posture

  1. Place your forehead on the floor.
  2. Bring your hands together in prayer mode above your head and keep your feet together
  3. Try to keep your heels and toes together. If this is uncomfortable, allow the heels to separate
  4. While in this position, hold your breath for 20 seconds.
  5. Remain in this position for about 2-3 minutes.

While in this position, your forehead on the floor activates your third eye.


You can close the Tantric practice with a long segment of relaxation in a corpse pose or chanting “om” with hands to the heart center while seated.

You might also energize your hands by rubbing them together. Then, quickly place them over the eyes.


Learn More About Tantra Yoga

The best way to learn more about tantric yoga is to practice it!

You can hire me as your personal tantra yoga teacher for an online private session. Alternatively, only two schools in the world teach this ancient practice. Check out Durga’s Tiger School in Ecuador and Shri Kali Ashram in Thailand for Tantra yoga classes. They offer 200, 300, & 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training certified by Yoga Alliance. They also provide various short retreats for Tantra practitioners. (Check out this article for a list of my best tantra retreats.)

There is sparse literature for your tantric path and spiritual growth. If you want to dive into the theory first, you can read these two books:


Traditional tantric yoga sex will improve your sex life by helping you be present and move the flow of sexual energy within. This flow of sexual energy is called kundalini energy. I have a separate article that explains how to use sexual energy to manifest life goals.

To practice with a partner increases intimacy, connection, and sexual pleasure. Breath, eye contact, touch, and movements support the building of trust between partners.


Hakima Tantrika
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