How To Charge A Tongue Vibrator? TIPS From A Sex Toy Tester!

Featured imageSo you bought yourself a tongue vibrator and wondering “How do I go about charging this little wonder?” Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Sandra Larson, our most trusted sex toy expert here at My Sex Toy Guide prepared a simple process you can follow that will get you in the game in no time. Without wasting more time, let’s get into it!

Key Takeaways
  1. First things first, make sure your device is turned off and unplugged. Then locate the charging port, usually located on the base of the toy.
  2. Connect the charging cable to the port on your tongue vibrator. Make sure it’s securely connected. After that, connect the other end of the charging cable to a power source. This could be a USB port on your computer, a wall adapter, or a portable power bank.
  3. Once it’s connected to a power source, you should see a light indicating that it’s charging. The light may be red, green, or another color depending on the toy. Check the user manual for exact details.
  4. Leave your tongue vibrator to charge for the recommended amount of time. This is usually around 2 hours, but check the instructions that came with your toy to be sure.

How to Charge A Tongue Vibrator?

So, you’ve got yourself a tongue vibrator, and now you need to charge it. Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science! Here’s how you can charge it in five simple steps:

1. Getting Ready: Start by making sure it’s in a zen state – switched off and disconnected. This is like prepping your favorite gadget for a recharge. Then, take a minute to find the charging port, which is often lurking on the toy’s bottom or back. Once you’ve located the charging port, you’re all set for the next step.

2. Identify Connector: You typically find two connector styles on modern vibrators: One older pin style and a magnetic charger. On the pin type, you need to push the connector into the hole until it snaps fully in place. For magnetic chargers, just place it on the plates and it should get itself attached. Ensure that you position it in the right direction, otherwise, it won’t charge.

3. Cable Connection: Plug one end of the charging cable into the port you’ve discovered on your toy. Make sure it’s snug and secure as I demonstrate on my Fun Factory Volta in the image below. Afterward, take the other end of the cable and plug it into a power source, whether it’s a USB port on your computer, a wall adapter, or a portable power bank. Picture it as if you’re introducing your vibrator to its power partner, ready to fuel it up.

4. The Indicator Light Show:  Now, let’s talk about the indicator light. Once your tongue vibrator is connected to the power source, you’ll notice a special light turning on. This LED light can be red, green, or sometimes even as funky as a disco light. It’s your signal that your toy is getting the energy it needs to rev up. You can think of it as your vibrator’s way of saying, “Hey, I’m charging up for some fun!” Leave it to charge for the recommended amount of time, which is usually around 2 hours. You can use this time to relax, watch a show, or maybe read some erotica to get yourself ready for some action!

5. Once It’s Fully Charged: After patiently waiting for it to soak up the power, it’s time to unplug it from the power source and remove the charging cable. Think of it like waking up a friend from a nap – your toy is all recharged and ready to play. Turn it on and let the good times roll. Just remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when charging your tongue vibrator. Overcharging or using the wrong type of charger can damage your toy and even pose a safety risk. Got it?

The device charging

Related: How to Charge a Vibrator? PRO TIPS from a Sex Toy Tester!


Troubleshooting Charging Issues

Your tongue vibrator isn’t charging? No sweat, it can be a common hiccup. Start with a quick cable check. Is it plugged in snugly? Any frays or damage? If it’s seen better days, consider grabbing a new one. If the cable’s all good, maybe the trouble is with the power source. Sometimes, it’s not the device but the power supply that’s acting up.

When it’s not charging, and it’s not the cable or power source playing hard to get, it’s time to give the port on the toy a little love. Check if it’s got some gunk or blockage – it happens. Grab a clean, dry cloth, and with a gentle touch, clean that port up. But if it’s still giving you the cold shoulder, it’s time to bring in a different cable. Make sure it’s a match made in heaven for your unique tongue vibrator. Sometimes, it’s all about finding that perfect connection!

Woman thinking

If none of these troubleshooting tips work, it may be time to contact customer support. Don’t worry, it’s not embarrassing to ask for help with your tongue vibrator. They may be able to provide additional troubleshooting tips or even replace it if it’s still under warranty.


Maintaining The Battery Life

As with any battery-operated device, you need to make sure you’re taking care of it properly to get the most out of it. Here are a few tips to help you maintain the battery life of your tongue vibe:

Using the proper cord: We can’t stress enough that you should only use the official cable that came with the product and connect it to the right spot on your vibe. If you’re not sure, no shame in consulting the safety manual or Googling it!

Avoid overcharging: Don’t go overboard with charging. It usually takes a few hours to get fully charged, but please don’t leave it plugged in any longer. Overcharging can mess up your battery’s groove. So, once it’s all set, unplug it, and let it catch its breath.

Proper storage: Last but not least, store your tongue vibe properly – it’s got feelings too! Keep it away from extreme temps and moisture. Find a cool, dry home for it, and don’t let it get squished by other stuff. Taking care of your tongue vibe will help ensure it lasts as long as possible and keeps you buzzing with pleasure. We’ll share some tips on how to store your tongue vibrator below.

Original Duo, Duo 2, and Premium 2

This should go without saying, but you should also learn how to use your vibrator properly. You see, overusing it can have the same effects as overcharging. To learn more, you can read our guide on how to use a tongue vibrator.


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Sandra Larson
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