Jewel Sucking Toys: A Review Of The New Sex Toy Trend!

Supgar Pop Teal And Pink Close UpIf you’re thinking about getting a new sex toy or if you’ve grown a bit bored with your usual rose vibrator, you might want to check out the latest buzz in the sex toy world: jewel-sucking toys. These cool new toys use a suction method to stimulate the clitoris, offering a powerful and pleasurable experience that’s often hard to get with standard vibrators.

Our go-to expert on female sex toys, Sandra Larson, is really excited about these jewel-sucking toys and shares why they’re making waves in the sex toy community!

What Are Jewel-Sucking Toys?

Jewel-sucking toys are essentially clit suckers designed for stimulating the clitoris by using air pulses to deliver intense pleasure. These toys are eye-catching, shaped like a fancy diamond (image below), and have a round opening that perfectly fits over the clitoris.

In terms of materials, they are usually made from body-safe options like silicone or ABS. These materials are hypoallergenic, ensuring they won’t cause any irritation or discomfort.

Supgar Pop Teal And Pink Close Up

One of the great things about these toys is their ease of use, providing hands-free stimulation. Just place the toy over your clitoris and let it work wonders.


How Do They Differ From Rose Toys?

Why are jewel toys getting the nod over rose vibrating toys these days? Well, the jewel trend packs a few aces up its sleeve, making it a hit for many.

When it comes to the wallet, both jewel and rose toys play fair – they’re pretty much on the same page price-wise. But where do the jewel-sucking toys draw the line? Their design. Yep- these luxurious-looking clit suckers stand out with their expensive appearance, resembling a shining, shimmering diamond. This aesthetic appeal adds a touch of elegance and sophistication that no rose toy can come close to, making them a more popular choice for those who appreciate a more refined look in their toys.

Lovehoney Rose toy


First Look at Sugar Pop Jewel

Let’s dive into the latest buzz in clit stimulator town – the Sugar Pop Jewel, a new kid on the block by NSnovelties, a big name in the sex toy world, so you’re in good hands with its quality and durability.

The Sugar Pop Jewel is a real eye-catcher, available in either Teal or Pink (image below), and sports a shiny exterior that’s hard to miss. It’s crafted from body-safe silicone and ABS plastic, so you can relax knowing there are no nasty chemicals in the mix. Plus, it’s splash-resistant, making it your perfect shower or bath companion.

Sugar Pop Pink and Teal Boxes

Here’s the rundown on what the Sugar Pop Jewel brings to the table:

  • 7 suction patterns to mix things up.
  • USB charging cable for easy power-ups.
  • Lightweight at just 3 oz.
  • A removable cap for simplicity and hygiene.

Using it is a breeze. Just pop off the cap, switch it on, and let the intense suction do its thing. With 7 different patterns to choose from, you’re spoilt for choice in customizing your pleasure. And forget about the battery blues – it’s USB rechargeable for endless fun.


I am Sold! Where Can I Buy One?

Wondering where to snag the Sugar Pop Jewel? You’ve got a couple of great options. Shevibe and NSNovelties are the go-to places for this little gem.

Shevibe isn’t just any adult toy store; it’s known for its high-quality range. Plus, they’re big on keeping things on the down-low with discreet shipping. And paying? A breeze – they take credit cards and PayPal.

A person buying from an online sex toy retailer

Then there’s NSNovelties, the folks who dreamt up the Sugar Pop Jewel. Free shipping on orders over $65 is a sweet deal, and they’re flexible with payment methods.

At the end of the day, it’s all about what works for you – think about price, how you get it, and how you pay for it. No matter where you buy it from, the Sugar Pop Jewel is your ticket to discreet, travel-friendly fun!


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Sandra Larson
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