How To Travel With Sex Toys? 6 TIPS from a Sex Toy Tester!

Featured imageAre you going on a trip and planning to bring along your trusty sex toys? Good for you! Pleasure products are a great way to add spice to your trip and something we highly recommend. But packing them discreetly and navigating airport security is a bit of a maze.

No worries, though – with the right tips, traveling with sex toys is a breeze! Dive into these expert insights from our very own sex toy aficionado and product tester, Sandra Larson, and make your next trip fun and unforgettable (for all the right reasons)!

Key Takeaways
  1. Choose a Small and Quiet Vibrator – Go for a cute, low-noise discreet toy to keep things on the down low. Bullets, lipsticks, or small clit vibes are perfect.
  2. Remove Batteries or Use Travel Lock – Pull out the batteries or hit that travel lock to avoid any unexpected buzzing.
  3. Use a Clear Plastic Bag – This neat trick keeps things clean and makes security checks a breeze.
  4. Be Mindful of Specific Country Restrictions – Some countries, like Saudi Arabia or Thailand, are a big no-no for sex toys. Do your research!
  5. Own It and Play It Cool – Walk tall and carry your toys without a worry, knowing they’re totally allowed on the plane. Follow the script, and let the fun take flight!

Can I Bring Sex Toys On A Plane?

Let’s first address the question: can I bring sex toys on a plane? Yes, absolutely. Both carry-on and checked luggage? Yep, they’re good to go in either. The airlines and TSA are pretty clear-cut about it – as long as you follow the general travel guidelines, your personal pleasure devices are just another item in your bag.

With that out of the way, let’s jump straight into our travel tips, starting with how to choose the right model:


1. Choose a Small and Quiet Vibrator

I recommend choosing something small that doesn’t make much noise to avoid unnecessary attention. These sneaky delights easily hide in your clothes or handbag, making your journey stress-free and oh-so-fun! I know. You want to bring that powerful Magic Wand along, but leaving it home is best to make your traveling experience peachy.

The Amo, Salsa, and Tango X

Start the search for your perfect travel companion with our list of the best small and quiet vibrators. Do you want specific recommendations? Go for We-Vibe Tango X (right in the image above) or Lovense Exomoon.


2. Remove batteries or Use the Travel Lock

I highly recommend disabling the motor before jetting off. This precaution ensures your battery-operated device doesn’t switch on unexpectedly in your baggage or carry-on. This is embarrassing and may even cause plane delays.

Womanizer Premium Eco opened up showing the battery compartment.

There are two options for doing this: either remove the batteries or activate the travel lock. If your vibrator has no travel lock, pop out the batteries before packing it (like we did with Womanizer Premium Eco above). This small step can save you from potentially awkward situations, like your vibrator buzzing to life during a security check or when you arrive at your destination, which could lead to both embarrassment and security concerns.

Packing your vibrator securely and out of plain sight is equally important. A simple solution is to store them in a small bag or pouch separate from your other belongings. This tip keeps everything discreet and prevents the toy from attracting lint and dust. Yucky!


3. Use Clear Bags

Of course, using a makeup or toiletry bag is still on the menu, but I recommend putting  the toy and its charger in transparent bags to really keep it low-key. This trick is a win-win. It lets security folks see what’s inside without getting handsy, plus keeping everything squeaky clean. After all, you don’t want your belongings mingling with who knows what during the security check.

A woman putting lube into her TSA approved clear bag

This travel hack is especially handy for discreet toys that look like everyday items. You know, the ones that pass for a lipstick or a necklace. In clear bags, these incognito gadgets are easy to spot, saving you from any potential red-faced moments or hold-ups at security.


4. Don’t forget the Lube!

One of the most underrated traveling tips is lube (preferably water-based). It’s the icing on the cake for many toys, enhancing comfort and pleasure. But remember the golden rule of traveling: keep liquids in check. For the carry-on, you’ve got to stick to the 3.4 ounces (100 ml) limit, so don’t go overboard.

A bottle and sachet of Fleshlube

Skipping the lube can lead to a less-than-stellar experience and even rough up your toys, so don’t leave it behind. Just be sure to comply with TSA regulations to avoid any travel hiccups.


5. Don’t Bring Sex Toys into Specific Countries

Knowing the lay of the land is crucial, as some countries have strict no-go zones for these items. Countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, and Thailand have import bans on sex toys, treating them as illegal items. Getting caught with them could land you in hot water, with serious legal penalties.

A woman looking at a world map

If your travel plans include countries with tight sex toy restrictions (even layovers), it’s safer to leave them at home. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry rather than risking legal troubles. In some countries (even where sex toys are legal), the rules can be as clear as mud, making it hard to know what’s okay and what’s not. In these grey areas, it’s wise to steer clear of bringing any sex toys.

If you’re really in a bind, you can always pick up what you need after arriving at the destination, avoiding any potential headaches. For example, in Vietnam, you find many legal walk-in sex shops scattered everywhere. Some even have online stores (Yes, we ordered some toys during Sandra’s and my Saigon vacation!)

If you happen to go to a country where buying sex toys is outright illegal, don’t worry. You still have options. We made a list of techniques you can use if you want to masturbate without a vibrator.


6. Own it and Play It Cool

When traveling with sex toys, the mantra is simple: own it and stay chill. Remember, there’s absolutely nothing wrong or taboo about being comfortable with your sexuality. After all, expressing and exploring your sexual desires is a perfectly natural part of being human.

So, why not embrace it with confidence? There’s no need to feel embarrassed or secretive. You’ll be glad to know that bringing your pleasure gadgets is completely fine.

Happy traveling!


Sandra Larson
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