10 Mind-Blowing Future Sex Toy Trends You Don’t Want to Miss!

Featured imageWe’re way past the era of simple gadgets; now, it’s all about smart, tech-savvy devices where you can control your pleasure with a smartphone or dive into virtual reality experiences. These aren’t just about the orgasms; they’re part of a movement towards smarter, more interactive, and holistic sexual wellness.

And guess what? Tim Larson, our CEO and lead product tester, is here to spill the beans on sex toy trends that he believes will take us by storm. Get ready for a sneak peek into a future where technology and intimacy intertwine like never before!

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, long the domain of high-tech industries, has made an astonishing entry into the sex toy world. This year marks a pivotal shift, with AI transforming these devices from simple pleasure tools into sophisticated, interactive experiences that will personalize your pleasure to your exact needs.

The VR Headset

Let’s take a step back first to understand the problem. Today, all products offer the same experience for all consumers. While this is great for the majority of users, there are always some who want something additional to orgasm. More circling motion on the frenulum? More pressure at the bottom of the penis shaft? You’re out of luck!

But imagine devices that learn and adapt to your preferences the more you use them, evolving to provide a deeply personalized experience. This breakthrough is not just enhancing pleasure but also setting new standards in the sex toy industry. That’s what AI and machine learning will offer!

Autoblow AI Ultra

Autoblow AI Ultra gives us a glimpse of what’s coming down the road (Review here). It’s not just a basic masturbator; it uses AI to learn how to replicate oral sex from hundreds of adult videos. It also syncs with porn, which, as far as I know, is the only device that does this (Update: Lovense Solace also does this).


2. Augmented Reality (AR)

Let’s take it one step further. AI integration also means adult toys are no longer just about physical stimulation but creating a more immersive, intuitive experience. From sensors that read body responses to algorithms that adjust patterns and intensity, these smarter devices are designed to cater to your unique desires.

This gives us a future where the line between human and machine interaction blurs even further, offering increasingly lifelike experiences tailored to individual tastes.

A person using Augmented Reality to talk to his virtual girlfriend

I am sure you heard about the new Apple Vision Pro. If you have been living under a rock, it’s a set of goggles that meshes the digital with the real world, basically overlaying graphical elements in your field of view. While it’s primarily designed for work, education, and entertainment, I am sure the adult industry will jump on the trend (like they always do).

Imagine if someone adds sensors to the experience. You can have a virtual partner living in your house to interact with you. They can talk about the current news, offer a warm hand to hold, or even be a companion for sexual activities.

We here at My Sex Toy Guide will closely monitor this space and will keep you updated about what’s coming. Stay tuned!


3. More Realistic Sensations

Womanizer released the Next toy quite unnoticed, but we think it’s a game changer that will set a new bar for the whole industry. Most importantly, the company implemented a patented 3D technology into Next, making the sensation the closest to oral sex we found in any device. Full stop. Older clit suckers have this “tapping” sensation that some don’t appreciate, especially those with a sensitive clitoris. Some people buy a clit sucker because the marketing materials say they mimic oral sex, become disappointed, and never try it again.

Womanizer Next

Why is this important? Well, we think the technology has matured to the point that it’s possible to mimic real human touch, like a flickering tongue or a stroking hand on the penis, making future sex toys very realistic. But I also think we are heading in a direction where sex toys will offer unique stimulations that no human can replicate. Something that we don’t even know what it is today. One thing is for sure: we here at My Sex Toy Guide will test these devices right when they are released!

Are you curious about learning more about Womanizer Next? Here is the full review and you can buy Next on the Lovehoney website for about 200 bucks. It’s not cheap, I know, but it’s totally worth the price!


4. Biometric Data Tracking

Biometric data tracking is now making its way into the sex toy domain. By leveraging sensors and advanced analytics, these devices offer a personalized experience that adapts to the user’s unique physiological responses. This capability not only promises to enhance sexual pleasure but also contributes to a broader understanding of sexual health.

Screenshots from the smartphone app

For example, the consumer can track their erections over time, identify patterns, and even detect potential health issues early on. This level of personalization and health monitoring was unimaginable in penis rings just a few years ago, highlighting how rapidly technology is evolving to encompass all aspects of human life.

Last year, we had the opportunity to test the FirmTech Tech Ring (review here), the pioneering example of Biometric Data Tracking. Designed to monitor and enhance male sexual health, the Tech Ring tracks various physiological parameters during use, such as firmness and longevity of your erections, the force of ejaculation, and your nocturnal erections while sleeping. This data is then analyzed to provide insights into the user’s sexual health, potentially offering recommendations for improvement or simply giving consumers a better understanding of their bodies.

FirmTech Tech Ring with the packaging

However, the rise of biometric data tracking in sex toys also raises important questions about privacy and data security. As these devices collect sensitive information about users’ sexual activities, concerns about where this data is stored, who has access to it, and how it might be used cannot be overlooked. Manufacturers like those behind the FirmTech Tech Ring must ensure robust data protection measures to protect user privacy. Users, on their part, must be informed about how their data is used and must have control over its management.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of integrating biometric tracking in sex toys—a deeper understanding of one’s body, enhanced sexual health, and personalized experiences—suggest that this trend will continue to grow, reshaping our relationship with technology and intimacy.


5. Customization and 3D Printing

Customization is revolutionizing the sex toy industry, offering unlimited personalization in a market long dominated by one-size-fits-all products. This technology lets you create sex toys tailored to the specific preferences, sizes, and shapes desired by your exact needs, ensuring a much more satisfying and comfortable experience.

A man 3D printing a fisting dildo

One brand that really has taken customization to heart is RealDoll with the RealCock 2 dildos. When we bought their Dirk dildo, we had so many customization options that our heads were spinning. But what makes the company stand out is the option to send in a penis photo and get a product made in its image! That’s just incredible. The one negative: The delivery time is long. Ours took over a month to arrive, but I heard stories that it can take months.

Alright, let’s take things one step further with 3D printing. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, lets you create complex and intricate designs that traditional manufacturing methods struggle to produce. This flexibility opens up new possibilities for innovation in the sex toy design, allowing for ergonomic features that conform more naturally to the human body. Additionally, 3D printing allows rapid prototyping of new ideas, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with product development. As a result, manufacturers can experiment with novel concepts and bring them to market more quickly, leading to a more diverse selection of products.

However, the intersection of customization, 3D printing, and sex toys also presents challenges, particularly with quality control and body-safe materials. Ensuring that 3D-printed items meet strict safety and hygiene standards is essential, given their intimate nature. There is also the issue around intellectual property rights, as the ease of printing objects could lead to copyright infringement.


Other Sex Toy Trends

  • Environmental Sustainability: I predict more focus on eco-friendly materials, rechargeable batteries, and recyclable packaging to minimize environmental impact and cater to the demand for sustainable products. One good example is Womanizer Eco Premium.
  • Medical Applications: I think we will see more sex toys aimed at sexual rehabilitation, pelvic floor strengthening, and addressing sexual dysfunctions, highlighting their therapeutic potential. Examples of these are more intelligent penis pumps and Kegel exercise toys.
  • Blockchain Technology: Lovense is one of few adult retailers that accept Crypto payments. But I think the adoption of blockchain for enhanced security, privacy, and authenticity verification will really speed up in the coming decade, especially relevant for internet-connected devices.
  • Interactive Content: We will see a further expansion into interactive content platforms, such as live streaming and interactive erotica, to augment the sex toy experience and foster shared experiences. I believe the webcam world will drive a lot of this development.
  • Enhanced Remote Intimacy: Today, you can buy some basic couple toys from Lovense and Kiiroo, but I believe the trend towards long-distance connectivity will continue to grow, with products offering more sophisticated ways for partners to share intimate moments from afar, including more advanced synchronizing, touch simulation technology, and adding more partners to have virtual orgies (like the Lovense Orgy).


Wrapping Up

As the sex toy industry continues to evolve, the future promises more personalized, interactive, and ethical products, reshaping our relationship with intimacy and pleasure. As we move forward, the industry’s trajectory suggests a holistic approach where enjoyment, wellness, and responsibility coexist, setting a new standard for how we engage with and understand our sexuality.

While we can’t predict the future, what we do know is you will hear about it first here at My Sex Toy Guide. So you check back often, plus subscribe to all our social media where we regularly discuss these topics.

Happy vibing!


Tim Larson
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