How to Do Wife Sharing? Beginner Tips from a Sexologist!

Featured imageMany couples step out of their usual routine to tango with others in a consensual, spicy twist on their sex life. It’s like turning your bedroom into a culinary experiment – mixing, matching, and discovering new flavors, all in the spirit of fun and exploration. But are you curious about wife-sharing and wondering where to start? It’s completely understandable to be a bit puzzled at first so our sexologist Sandra Larson wrote this beginner guide to help you out.

What Is Wife Sharing?

Wife sharing is when consenting life partners, usually those in open relationships, decide to bring a third person into their sexual world and be part of their sexual activities. It’s a way to live out a fantasy that might seem a bit taboo in regular society talk. This practice is also known by names like “cuckolding” or “hotwifing.”

A man thinking

Now, before you get too excited, there are a few things you need to consider. First and foremost, communication is key. All the parties involved need to have open and honest communication about their boundaries, desires, and expectations for everyone’s emotional well-being. So before sharing partners, it’s important to establish ground rules and make sure all partners involved are comfortable with the situation.

If you think this fetish isn’t for you, it’s okay. You can find more common fetishes that could fit you more in this guide.


Wife Sharing vs. Wife Swapping

Wife swapping is a bit different from sharing a wife with another man. In the wife-swapping scenario, husbands swap their wives with the wives of other husbands. So, wife-swapping, or ‘swinging’ as it’s often called, isn’t exactly a new kid on the block. Swinging has been around for many years. Think of it as married couples, committed couples, or those in open relationships deciding to mix things up by getting cozy with the other couple.

Sometimes, this can involve a ‘soft swap’, where one partner – say, a wife – might be with another man, but the interaction is limited to certain activities like kissing, keeping the experience within comfortable boundaries for everyone involved.

A couple having sex while a man is watching

Swinging is kind of like the grown-up version of swapping lunchboxes in middle school but with a twist. It’s about couples exchanging partners for a while, stepping into new sexual experiences together. This isn’t just a casual swap – it involves intricate elements of your sexual lives. And, crucially, it hinges on good communication and often forms a part of an open relationship.

Swapping partners or wives with other men may not be what pops into mind when you think of typical married couple activities. In the real world, these practices step outside the traditional bounds of monogamy and fidelity. While they share some common ground, they’re distinct in their own right. It’s crucial for all parties involved to be clear about the nature of the sexual acts they’re engaging in and to always practice safe sex. This ensures everyone’s on the same page and helps maintain the well-being of all involved.


How To Do Wife Sharing?

Let’s break down what it is all about and how you can navigate this path with care. Remember, it’s all about mutual understanding and stepping into new experiences with an open mind.

Step 1: Finding the Ideal Partner

First task: find that perfect third wheel. This isn’t a random selection game; it’s about finding someone who clicks with both of you. You’re looking for a person who’s not only into the idea but also places a high value on trust and respects boundaries. Could be a friend, someone you’ve casually met, or even someone you stumbled upon on a dating app. You’ve got to be snug as a bug in a rug talking about your desire, limit, and, let’s not forget, practicing safe sex.

Pro tip: For example, we read testimonials from couples and looked into subreddits and guides about it on the internet.

Imagine it’s like scouting for the perfect trivia night teammate. They need to vibe with both of you, someone who’s easy to talk to – from hashing out your craziest desires to soothing those little nagging doubts. It’s more than just a hop, skip, and jump into the bed; it’s about forging an emotional connection too. And if they can chuckle with you over the whole ‘sex with another’ scenario without it turning into a bad thing, then you might just have struck gold.

Step 2: Setting the Rules

Now that you’ve found your partner in crime, it’s time to lay down the law. This is a crucial step because it’s all about setting boundaries and expectations so don’t skip it. You must talk about what’s on the table and what’s not. It’s like creating a safe space where everyone feels comfortable. This conversation should consider all parties involved in the relationship and be a judgment-free zone.

You should also be specific – will there be safe words? What activities are off-limits? The more you communicate now, the smoother the experience will be.

Step 3: Sorting Out Logistics

Now that the ground rules are set, let’s dive into the exciting stuff – planning! This is the step where you figure out where, when, and how everything will happen. Is this going to be a one-time adventure or something you’re thinking of adding to your regular routine as a husband and wife? And let’s discuss logistics – who’s going to play host? Don’t be afraid to dive into the details. Most people find that the more you sort out beforehand, the smoother everything goes.

Consider the atmosphere you want to create. Is this a cozy night in or a lavish hotel rendezvous? Plan for privacy and comfort. Timing is also key – choose a time when you won’t be rushed or interrupted.

Step 4: Take it Slow

All set? Great, but remember, there’s no rush. Start slow. This is about exploration and comfort. Make sure everyone’s on board and feeling good. The first few encounters might be more about getting to know each other’s likes and dislikes. It’s important to keep the pressure off and let things flow naturally.

You must also check in with each other often. Are you enjoying this? Is there something you want to try or something that makes you uncomfortable? This step is about mutual respect and enjoyment. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination.

Step 5: Enjoy the Moment

And now, for the main event! Let yourself enjoy the experience. This is what you’ve been planning and talking about. Wife-sharing can be incredibly exhilarating and fulfilling when done right. Keep the atmosphere light, fun, and consensual.

But it’s not just about the physical pleasure. This is a chance to explore new facets of your relationship or marriage and sexuality. Enjoy the intimacy, the adventure, and the new experiences.

Step 6: Aftercare and Reflection

After fulfilling your fantasy, remember, that it’s not time to just hit the lights and call it a night. Aftercare is super important. It’s the perfect moment to share how you felt, what parts you were into, and maybe what didn’t quite hit the mark. Is it affecting your marriage or not?

Think of it as a time to connect on a deeper level, emotionally. Now’s the chance to really get into it with your partner. Ask yourselves, did this experience bring you closer or did it leave a stain on your marriage? Was it everything you fantasized about, or did it go a bit differently in your head? It’s also the right time to figure out if this is something you see more of in your future, or if this one experience was enough.

Step 7: Continuous Communication

Finally, keep the conversation going. This act isn’t just a one-time discussion; it’s an ongoing conversation between a husband and wife. Talk about future plans, fantasies, and boundaries. Maybe you want to tweak the rules or try something new. This is about evolving together.

Reflect on how the experience has changed or reinforced your relationship. What have you learned about each other? Remember, the key to a successful wife-sharing experience is trust, communication, and continuous consent.

Double Penetration Threesome Sex Position

Note: While you’re at it, you can try some of the threesome positions we ranked to take the excitement up a notch.


Pros of Wife Sharing

Exploring the Thrill of Voyeurism: Have you ever been tickled by the idea of watching your partner in the arms of someone else? Well, wife-sharing opens the door to voyeurism in a whole new way. It’s like being a fly on the wall in your own bedroom, getting a front-row seat to the action. It’s a safe and consensual way to explore this kink, and who knows, it might make your marriage even better. Plus, it’s a bit like having your cake and eating it too – you’re right there in the mix but also enjoying the show.

The Excitement of Breaking Taboos: Let’s face it, there’s something inherently spicy about doing something that’s a bit ‘out there’. The strong desire to see your wife being intimate with another man can be exhilarating. It’s like stepping into a forbidden garden – everything is more intense because you’re pushing boundaries and exploring new terrain. For those who love a walk on the wild side, this is a golden ticket to an adrenaline rush like no other.

Cuckoldry: A Unique Turn-On: For many men, the kick comes from the cuckoldry aspect of wife-sharing. It’s not just about a husband watching his wife; it’s about the complex play of emotions and arousal that comes with it. There’s a bit of a ‘naughty’ factor in seeing your partner with someone else while you’re in the wings, either as a spectator or a participant.

If you want to explore these realms, our cuckolding guide and cuckquean guide will help you every step of the way.

Rekindling the Bedroom Flame: Feeling like your love life’s stuck on repeat? As the good husband that you are, you might be thinking of ways to spice up both your bedroom needs. Throwing a new person into your sex life can turn up the heat and bring back that sizzle that’s been missing. It’s like adding a surprise ingredient to your favorite dish – suddenly, everything tastes new and exciting again. Plus, it’s a chance to learn new tricks and fantasies that you can bring back to your twosome. You can even incorporate a threesome if the idea of having sex with more than just one woman interests you.

Monetary Benefits: A Surprising Plus: Who doesn’t like a bit of extra cash? For some, having sex with other men isn’t just about pleasure – it’s also a business venture. If you’re game for turning passion into profit, this could be an unexpected way to boost your bank balance. It’s like having a secret, sexy side hustle that not only pays but also plays.

When Health Constraints Play a Role: Life throws curveballs, and sometimes that affects our intimate lives. If health issues are making traditional sex tough, wife-sharing can be a thoughtful workaround. It allows for sexual fulfillment for the husband and wife without the physical strain on either partner. Think of it as outsourcing for pleasure – sometimes, bringing in a ‘specialist’ can make all the difference.

Dabbling in Power Dynamics: While definitely a controversial aspect, some are drawn to wife-sharing for the power play. It’s a complex and often misunderstood facet of human sexuality, rooted in dominance and submission. It’s important to tread carefully here, ensuring that all parties are fully consenting and on the same page. Remember, it’s all about the fantasy, not the reality.

A couple talking

Wife sharing, in essence, is about exploring new frontiers in your relationship and sexuality. It’s a path paved with excitement, curiosity, and sometimes a bit of the unexpected. As with any adventure, it’s vital to have open lines of communication with your partner, ensuring a journey that’s enjoyable for everyone involved.


Cons of Wife Sharing

Navigating the Taboo Terrain

Brace yourself for a bit of a societal eyebrow raise from other couples once you decide to engage in the act of wife-sharing. This practice is still a big no-no in today’s society. You might get the side-eye from friends, a cold shoulder from family, or even snarky remarks from those who don’t get it.

The old-school thought was pretty straightforward: a married man is for one woman, and a married woman is for one man, period. But hey, times are changing. Nowadays, plenty of men and women, including many husbands and wives, are exploring their sexual fantasies with a whole lot of zest. They’re brimming with desire and, for some, experimenting is their way of keeping things fresh and exciting, steering clear of the humdrum of daily life.

Let’s not forget the internal battle. You might find yourself wrestling with feelings of guilt or shame, which can be a real downer for your mental well-being. It’s a bit like wearing a “kick me” sign on your back – not everyone will kick, but you’re always aware it’s there.

When Partners Aren’t on the Same Page

Thinking of spicing things up with a little wife-sharing? Hold your horses. This isn’t a solo decision. Both halves of the couple must be equally enthusiastic. If one’s not feeling it, it’s like trying to dance a tango solo – awkward and unsatisfying. A lack of mutual enthusiasm can breed resentment and strain the relationship. Watch out for hints. It’s like a game of tug-of-war where both sides need to pull equally. If not, someone’s going to end up face-first in the mud. So, before jumping in, have a heart-to-heart and make sure you’re both genuinely on board.

Playing with Fire: Relationship Risks

Venturing into wife-sharing is a bit like playing with fire – it can heat things, but it can also burn. Jealousy, insecurity, and a cocktail of other not-so-fun feelings might bubble up. If these emotions aren’t managed well, they can scorch your relationship to the ground. It’s like juggling with flaming torches; thrilling, yes, but one wrong move and things could go up in flames. Setting clear boundaries and rules can help, but it’s no guarantee against misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

Health Hazards on the Horizon

Diving into the deep end of wife sharing? Don’t forget to pack your safety gear. This adventure comes with its own set of health risks like sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and the chance of unexpected pregnancies. Think of it as swimming in uncharted waters – you might encounter some unwanted critters. It’s essential to suit up with protection and keep up with regular health check-ups. It’s like being a responsible driver; you’ve got to keep your vehicle (in this case, your body) in tip-top shape and follow the safety rules of the road.

A condom

In wrapping up, sharing your wife is a path laden with potential pitfalls and is certainly not a journey for the faint-hearted. Open, honest chats with your partner are your best compass here, guiding you through the tricky terrain. And always, always prioritize your mental and physical well-being, because, at the end of the day, your health and happiness are the real MVPs in this game.

Thanks for reading my guide to wife sharing!


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Sandra Larson
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